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Savage Henry

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Everything posted by Savage Henry

  1. That was, to be fair to the fat, self-righteous taller version of Littlejohn, because he was driving a car promoting, erm, alternatively lifestyles. It was the best episode though. Top Gear definitely works best when they take it out of the studios and the track. The Vietnam special was also really good. Otherwise, its barely tolerable for its smugness.
  2. If that's true then Livingston fans are even more culpable than I thought, and I have absolutely no sympathy for them whatsoever. Livingston FC won't exist in a year.
  3. Big Star - Blue Moon I've only just discovered these guys, shamefully.
  4. Well indeed, and I realise this. Which is why the last group of people I want running my club are the myclub folks or a supporters' trust. Having said that, I would absolutely and unequivocally wish to endorse the increased role of the Rangers Supporters Trust in the daily operation of Rangers.
  5. Scottish football would be even more fucked if Supporters Direct had anything to do with it.
  6. The palpable ridiculousness of it. The laughable (for non Raith fans) corruption. The inevitable absurdity and failure. There were many Raith fans - not all but many - who regarded Anelka as some kind of messiah. They really did, and denying it now is pure revisionism, Just as many Dundee fans welcomed that nazi war criminal, fake lawyer Italian chap's promises of billions, most people could see through him a mile off. It takes a certain separation from events to recgonise them for what they are. The point is this though. Livingston have never looked, from a distance, to be doomed. Not until recently. I have quite a deal of sympathy with the SFL in this case
  7. Alternatively, all of the above have been tried, and the club is completely financially unsustainable. Perhaps Livingston would be screwed no matter who was in charge. I have no idea, just speculating. Either way, until pretty recently, the inevitability of Gretna's demise - common knowledge for years before they died - or the Raith fiasco under Anelka (which was denied by most of the Raith fans on here, incidentally), or the patent corruption at Hearts (also largely denied by Hearts fans) - didn't exist with Livingston. Or perhaps it did, but I never sensed it. Sadly, Livingston are on life support and they won't recover.
  8. Along Came Polly some moronic Ben Stiller vehicle. Stiller strikes me as being a bit of an arse, and never more so than in this inane drivel about two people who meet for some reason. Features a joke about a ferret, and you'll never guess what kind of hilarious consequences can ensue when Stiller and Jennifer Anniston go sailing. Ooh, my sides... 3/10 - with three of those marks being because Anniston looks good in it. Honestly, it amazes me that some people enjoy this crap.
  9. Iron and Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth. Unbelievably pretty.
  10. Watching Cat Stevens night on BBC 4. More of an abbreviated late evening, really. Still, quality choonz.
  11. One of two films I have ever fallen asleep during. The other being the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It's like the Simpsons movie - a below average episode spread out to an hour and a half, with the same amount of action.
  12. I was going to say the same thing. Christian Bale is one of the best out there, however terrible he may be in T4 - and Kermode gave that movie a verbal kicking. It's something to Bale's credit that I didn't realise he was from the UK until fairly recently. Everyone's allowed to make a crap movie now and again - christ, Steve Buscemi makes about three Michael Bay movies for every Trees Lounge. Edited to use a better example.
  13. All football teams are franchises. So ten million is probably well under the going rate. It is a ridiculous amount for Livingston, which is barely functioning. However, the quote suggests the Italian Stallion knows this full well.
  14. Ssssshhhh. He´s being oppressed, dontcha know?
  15. Apparently it has never been a problem that their manager isn't Raith minded. Or at least that's what the fans will tell you. I have my doubts.
  16. My prediction for Anderson - another summer of beating the edge at least once an over, getting no reward and getting half a dozen wickets at 38. Very surprised Panesar isn´t playing. Have to say that tail looks very long, and not especially threatening with the ball. Are the Windies the worst catching side of all time? Reminds me of England during the Atherton era. SK - you are correct. Dougie Brown being a case in point.
  17. Juno I wanted to hate this film, the whole concept and central character struck me as being mildly irritating and more than a little smug. However after about five minutes I was won over by the charm, heart and tenderness of this indie flick. I laughed out loud six or seven times, which is a pretty high rate. The soundtrack is fantastic too. Genuinely brilliant. 7/10
  18. I was literally crying with laughter in the cinema when the girl does her dance routine near the end. I can remember the last time before or since that I laughed that hard. Sore ribs, the lot.
  19. Waltz With Bashir Finally got around to watching this film, which is probably best described as an animated documentary, in which the director goes to speak with Israeli veterans from the 1982 Lebanon War in order to try to piece together his pieces of memory and flashbacks. Essentially a series of memories presented in the same rotoscope style as used in A Scanner Darkly and Waking Life, visually it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It also made me laugh, cry and think. One of the best films I have ever seen. 10/10
  20. Tyson In an attempt to learn, to paraphrase CLR James, what they know of boxing that only boxing know, Mike Tyson is given an hour and a half of camera time to talk about himself. No challenging questions, no real editorialising by the silent interviewer/documentary maker. It's entirely sycophantic, and Tyson's rampant misogyny goes unchallenged. There is the odd insight into his boxing life, to be sure, but not much real depth. Never less than interesting, never more than mildly insightful. 5/10
  21. The decision there is so patently obvious I'm amazed you even had to think about it. Three brutal films and one borderline masterpiece. Jeepers Creepers 2 is a staggering work.
  22. Finished off a double bill of illegally streamed movies with Gone Baby Gone. I'll watch virtually anything with Casey Affleck in it, and he's in a class of his own in an excellently cast thriller which centres around the abduction of a child from a drugged out mother. I'll put this with Reign Over Me in the "firmly better than any review I've seen" category (which differs from the Punch Drunk Love/Man On The Moon category of totally unexpected but highly praised movies). Lots of extremely subtle dialogue, perfectly paced and with a genuinely consistent plot (bar a five minute bit towards the end where everything goes a bit nuts, and the obviously tacked on ending). I especially enjoyed the constant doubt in Affleck's character, and the . I was going to deduct a point for the superfluous arm candy who adds precisely zero to the plot, but she gets her comeuppance, so I won't. A delightfully unexpected 8/10
  23. Gran Tourino I really think Guy Ritchie and all these young indie kids who think stagger cuts every five minutes and shaky camera work are necessary to make good art should be forced to watch movies like this twenty four hours a day at art school. Clint Eastwood's minimalist direction coupled with a great script allows this story to tell itself, just like with Changling. For the most part politics takes a back seat in this film to humour, sadness and a genuinely riveting story about a Korean veteran who comes to accept his neighbours. A fabulous film which loses a point for having a dreadful closing credit tune. 8/10
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