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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Worth noting that one of the players on Berwick's list is a left back called Blair Sneddon. Interesting that a financial deficit of 115k only got them 7 more points than the BUs last season.
  2. I noticed that was part of Banks o Dee's safety instructions recently given they also have very limited access possibilities. Guess this is also good news for clubs like Arthurlie where the feasibility of doing licensing and moving up the leagues at their existing ground is concerned.
  3. It had already been revealed by that point how the Americans harboured Nazi war criminals like Klaus Barbie post-WWII if they found them useful for Cold War reasons and how Werner von Braun was a war criminal as well as the guy got that got them to the moon so found the whole tone of that laughably self-righteous. Where Boris Malagurski, Alija Izetbegovic and the Srebrenica thing that you mentioned in the hidden message is concerned this is worth a watch from a Norwegian documentary called Izdani Grad: It's not something that Boris Malagurski dreamed up by himself. The sources of info for it having happened are very much Bosnian Muslim ones.
  4. Think most people in the UK with a career progressing to parliamentary speaker sort of level would be clued in enough to realise that checking if there is a Waffen SS angle would be a good move when dealing with a geriatric Ukrainian who fought against "the Russians" during WWII. That's why some people are assuming there was malice rather than incompetence involved in this incident. I once made a sarcastic comment in a bar in Canada when drinking with a Celtic supporter that Scotland's legal system forces Roman Catholics to wear green and white hoops when out in public so they can be identified more easily after a comment was made as to why he appeared to wear that close to 24/7. Nobody in their right mind could possibly believe that and everybody would grasp it was a joke you might think? From what I was later told, the next day one of the people who was there was telling anyone who would listen about how outrageous Scotland's legal system is until somebody finally explained to her that it was only a football jersey. This was somebody with a university education.
  5. The fall out from the Canadian parliament gaffe continues: Having lived and worked in Canada my experience has been that it's better to assume incompetence rather than malice in these situations because a lot of people who grew up in Canada are basically completely clueless about anything that happens outside North America and their mundane suburban Wayne's World type existance. Once they get it into their heads that the Ukrainians are the good guys they'll just assume that has always been the case basically. More nuanced stuff like the Ukrainians are generally the good guys in this conflict but some of them have some very dubious baggage from the WWII era and badly need to give all the wolfsangel and black sun symbolism a rest is lost on them.
  6. Maybe a wage needs to be dropped before another can be added? Important to remember that the new management team inherited players that they wouldn't necessarily have signed themselves and are likely to slowly try to bring players in that they actually want as the season progresses.
  7. I see his latest film is called Srpska: The Struggle for Freedom and can understand why that would get knees-a-jerking. Apparently he was accused of genocide denial but there is some question as to whether the people doing so actually bothered to watch what they were criticising because apparently he does acknowledge what happened in Srebrenica. Think some people don't get that he is Serbia's answer to Michael Moore and miss the satirical angle to a lot of what he does and how it often targets Serbia's own leaders. I doubt the Canadian government was thrilled to have one of its citizens involved with a film with that title but given Canada is a democracy there's not a lot they can do about it. Just means that there used to be some willow trees where the village was founded. Most of the places that are being fought over right now are dots on the landscape. A bit like Avonbridge or Airth suddenly becoming the focus of the world media because an army is slowly trying to surround Falkirk one field at a time.
  8. Not that it hugely matters but Boris Malagurski is from Vojvodina rather than Bosnia. His best known film Weight of Chains featured Michael Parenti very heavily and was big into Yugonostalgia so calling him far right seems a bit odd.
  9. You clearly did not understand the parallel I was making. All your posts on this topic make it sound as if it is all one way traffic on this issue and one side are the good guys and the other side are the bad guys. Reality is more complex than that. There used to be large Azerbaijani populations in Armenia proper during the Soviet era. They all got kicked out pretty much without exception. Nationalists will do that sort of thing regardless of the flag being waved and it is every bit as out of order when the Armenians do it as when the Azerbaijanis do it. What is universally recognised at the UN is that Nagorno-Karabakh is de jure part of Azerbaijan and that the Armenians had no right whatsoever to seize 20% of Azerbaijan militarily in the early 1990s. Just as Vlad needs to respect the 1991 internal Soviet borders if the current mess in Ukraine is going to be resolved so does Armenia and that is what is currently unfolding.
  10. Worth bearing in mind how Ataturk's Turkey later on was all about creating a modern secular state rather than being Islamist. What the Young Turks did to the Armenians in 1915 was seriously out of order but if the Turks hadn't created their own modern nation state they could have lost huge parts of what is now Turkey in much the same way the Ottomans had lost almost all of the Balkans. The Greeks tried to take a huge chunk of western Anatolia at the end of WWI and Armenian nationalists were definitely after a huge chunk of eastern Anatolia.
  11. Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire for centuries as did the Greeks, Serbs etc. The emergence of the modern nation state was more the issue with the Young Turks than a Muslim vs Christian issue. What they did in 1915 was a response to how ethnically homogenous Orthodox Christian states were being created in the Balkans out of what had previously been Ottoman territory, so they wanted a secular Turkish nation state rather than the traditional multiethnic Ottoman caliphate sort of approach.
  12. What became present day Azerbaijan and Armenia were part of Persia rather than the Ottoman Empire before they were incorporated into the Russian Empire. That's why there's also an Azerbaijan in present day Iran. The main difference between Turks and Azerbaijanis revolves around the Shia-Sunni divide. Nagorno-Karabakh was under Shia muslim rule for plenty of its history, so the Azerbaijanis didn't suddenly just magically appear out of nowhere.
  13. ^^^no idea who this guy is or what the last bit is all about.
  14. Should be little danger of an opponent being taken too lightly after the Cumbernauld United game.
  15. Or maybe you have swallowed one side of this conflict's propaganda hook, line and sinker? Would a group of Israelis need to be afraid of German authorities in the present day because of what happened in the 1940s? Circumstances can and do change as the years pass. The Azerbaijanis need to behave themselves if they still want to be welcome in western capitals in the years ahead. They have nothing to gain by going full Ratko Mladic at this point.
  16. Haven't checked the response from certain posters to what St Andrews United did to Auchinleck Talbot yet. That could be amusing. Seems to be a bit of a changing of the guard underway in the west. Reality is that the top end of the LL has been very strong for a while so the idea Darvel were strong favourites for this game definitely seemed off.
  17. I was 9 at the time so memories are a bit hazy.
  18. Think they did in the 76 final but main thing is the same number of goals were scored by the home team.
  19. From what I've read Armenia proper in the not too distant past pre-Pashinyan wound up under an unpopular near dictarship dominated by Nagorno-Karabakh ultra-nationalists who were very pro-Russian. That regime was eventually ousted in a Maidan style coup. That means a sizable portion of Armenia's population aren't exactly heartbroken over what is happening to the now defunct Republic of Artsakh right now and think Russia were hoping Armenia would ditch Pashinyan and intervene to try to save Stepanakert from being overrun so Russia could later cynically pose as Armenia's saviours when that led to a calamitous outcome on the battlefield: Best outcome now for Armenia long term is to ditch the irredentism and have peace with Azerbaijan, the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians to be treated reasonably by Azerbaijan, and borders between Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey all opened amicably so the whole Caucusus region can turn more towards Turkey and the EU in economic terms and away from Vlad.
  20. Hopefully most people on here took advantage of the generous odds.
  21. That can be driven by the bets that are being placed as much as by what recent form suggests it should be. Maybe a lot people don't realise Darvel now are a different team from the one that beat Aberdeen.
  22. The will he won't he send ATACMS saga continues:
  23. That may be the issue that's being highlighted as the main talking point by western media outlets who need to distil everything down to a quick soundbite but from what I have been reading on a deeper level it's about halting the rise of the Konfederacja party who are out-nuttering the ruling PiS party on populist issues to an extent that could make it difficult for PiS to maintain their grip on power. Konfederacja played the long game by being anti-aid to Ukraine when that wasn't a popular stance and waited for the backlash over issues like the huge influx of Ukrainian refugees to slowly build to find ways to attack the PiS government.
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