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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. They needed a bit of false flag terrrorism at the Reichstag to first repress the Communists and a parliamentary session held in the presence of large numbers of stormtroopers to persuade the Roman Catholic Zentrum party to back them to gain full control through the Enabling Act with a two-thirds majority. They only had 33% of the vote at the last fully free election in 1932 and the Weimar Republic had a PR system, so they shouldn't have been able to do what they subsequently did, if the constitution had been applied properly.
  2. Why would they when what they are doing is issuing strong advise rather than doing things the nanny state way with legally enforced regulations that treat grown adults like schoolchildren? You seem to equate agreeing with that absence of rigid compulsion and illogical regulations from populist limelight loving politicians with wanting a complete free for all when it's really about how best to get people to take responsibility and keep society functioning as normally as possible under the circumstances.
  3. Yes, and that means there is no reason to anticipate a government imposed shutdown for COVID-19 regulation reasons. Difficult to overstate now how critical it was to get leagues like the WoS acknowledged as professional by the SG when the "circuit breaker" was being implemented. The next step will be securing financial support for any professional clubs that get stuck in tiers 2 and 3 playing games with closed stadiums. The funds opened up to the SG by the Barnett formula when the UK government starts providing support to affected businesses in England under their three level system should open the door for that. It is now in the regulations that professional football clubs are being stopped from doing something that they would be able to do at tiers 0 and 1 in a Scottish context that damages their business financially when higher tiers are imposed, so the SG appears to have prepared the ground for it. The last thing the SNP needs in the run up to a Holyrood election is lots of angry football fans going mental over the demise of their clubs so good things should happen.
  4. That's why I wrote "antibody immunity". I'm aware of the possible T-cell immunity angle. Think you are going a step too far when expressing complete certainty on that, because it's more a working hypothesis than scientific fact at the moment.
  5. For sure and the reason for social distancing and wearing masks etc was to try to flatten the curve so hospitals would not be overwhelmed during the main first wave peak. Somewhere along the line though a lot of people got it into their heads that a novel viral infection with an R0 > 3.0 and a relatively low IFR could and should be actively stopped in its tracks and eradicated in the absence of a vaccine after it had already undergone exponential growth for a couple of months. At that point those people need a reality check where the IFR is concerned and where the knock on effects that continuing to fixate on COVID-19 to an extent that is driven by mass hysteria more than by rationality has elsewhere in health care terms.
  6. Happens with the flu every winter. Key difference from that with COVID though is that when you have a population with no prior antibody related immunity to a novel infection it's a wee bit difficult to hide the main peak of infection after a few weeks of exponental growth on cases, which is why whistles started to be blown in a big way in Wuhan despite a government and state controlled media that very much wanted to hush everything up. Definitely comes across as someone who is emotionally invested and is looking for evidence to back up their favoured pet theories, but a lot of what's in there about IFR can't be easily dismissed based on the known facts at this point.
  7. This appears to have been the source of the assertion made: https://sebastianrushworth.com/2020/10/24/how-deadly-is-covid-19/https://sebastianrushworth.com/2020/10/24/how-deadly-is-covid-19/
  8. Definitely not hands across the water with that combination.
  9. The nanny state approach that UK governments go for tends to get people thinking how they can beat the system rather than how they can take responsibility for the safety of their family, friends and neighbours.
  10. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that you have Tranent on board as well as Old Hamstocks.
  11. If it didn't fit your preferred narrative odds on you would be latching onto some other parallel where Sweden is concerned in a can't see the wood for the trees sort of way. On the like with like thing my understanding is that some of their Nordic neighbours may be handling COVID-19 related deaths with co-morbidities differently from Sweden and the UK, so the death statistics may not be as readily comparable as you think they are.
  12. It was done by election and re-election up to the early 1950s, so what would need to be investigated was if there were any applications to get back into the SFL during the 1930s before the amalgamation to form the BUs in 1945. Think Brian McColl (?) had that info on his Scottish football history website. Nithsdale Wanderers were perennial applicants from what I remember, but don't think Bo'ness FC were. Edit: {no sign of a Bo'ness election attempt after 1933} http://www.oocities.org/br1anmccoll/elections.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20141111140715/http://scottish-football-historical-archive.com/reelections.htm
  13. ...think it would be reasonable to scale things back considerably after the last WWII soldier is no longer with us with a big fuss being made over it one last time the Remembrance Sunday after the last WWII soldier dies. That's still maybe a decade away.
  14. Next two games definitely look highly winnable but there will only be Gretna left to play from the bottom seven in the first half of the season after that, so the next couple of months will provide a much clearer picture of where things stand.
  15. While strangely in Sweden there is no discernible second wave on deaths yet. That will no doubt be dismissed with a cherrypicked comparison to Denmark though.
  16. Somebody finally outdid Nicola on attempting to create a Nanny State rather than treating people like responsible adults. Can only assume something psychotropic got into their leeks...
  17. I was keen to avoid having any of the crazier pro-lockdown zealots start arguing with me about it here as I occasionally dabble in that thread. Fingers crossed level 1 is not that far off for all but the worst affected local council areas. Nicola S has an election to win next year so she is probably not going to go mental on shoving too many areas into level 3 and will be keen to lift restrictions when the numbers are heading in the right direction again. We'll find out soon enough.
  18. We'll see what happens but it sounds like financial support from the two governments may be forthcoming for clubs stuck at level 2 and 3 with closed stadiums. Definitely agree that the no automatic promotion thing is farcical. No idea why the SFA could not have been flexible on that. Can see where you are coming from but so far when non-league clubs have been told to self-isolate by over-zealous track and trace staff it has been quickly reversed.
  19. What do you have in mind by "disaster" on this? Physically fit people in their 20s and early 30s have almost zero chance of dying from COVID-19.
  20. Honestly, yes. As was the case back in March-May an epidemic peak normally only lasts two to three months in any particular locality. Most WoS games could easily have paying spectators now by New Year.
  21. Think the question would be more whether some of the clubs that panicked will now want back in given there is now clarity on how fans will get back.
  22. Some fans back in parts of the country on levels 0 and1 from Nov 2 apparently: COVID thread on General Nonsense worth a read on that.
  23. Wouldn't even matter on that last bit though. The SJFA is also defined as professional in player registration terms and was also given an exemption to proceed on that basis. In player registration terms the divide is professional or amateur depending on whether there are financial payments beyond expenses involved. What's more interesting maybe is why there are so many cranky people in WoS circles desperately trying to dream up reasons to put their own league into cold storage? This doesn't seem to be happening elsewhere in the Scottish game at the moment.
  24. Nothing good will happen until the daily new cases and death curves have peaked and started to decline. That might not be too far away as the rates of increase on those have been slowing down in a big way over the last two weeks. Won't say any more in case it derails this thread. If anyone wants to argue over that, post it in the COVID thread in General Nonsense.
  25. Why does Sweden have a lower cumulative per capita mortality rate than countries like the UK and Spain that had lockdowns and also messed up badly on how they handled care homes in a similar manner to Sweden? Why does Sweden have no discernible second wave on deaths unlike the UK and Spain? You can't just cherrypick a parallel that fits your preferred narrative in isolation. You need to look at all the available data.
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