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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Looks like Corbyn now sees a back bench revolt by Tories to secure a soft Brexit as his path to power, which is a bit of a surprise given he's supposed to be strongly Eurosceptic and a lot of his rise in the polls was driven by working class UKIP voters. Fingers crossed the soft Brexit part of the equation works. Suspect May might even bottle it and agree to a transition period with the four freedoms in place as the last thing the Tories will want at the moment is a general election.
  2. Is that really a problem when they have changed actors/actresses for some of the characters? Sounds like somebody was at the windup with that. Think they just had too much to pack into this series.
  3. Does the Night's Watch and attached vows still exist if there is no wall any more? Presumably the invading undead hordes are going to be defeated somehow as the dragonstone and Valyrian steel angles that have been revealed suggest they can potentially be completely wiped out and the wights all disintegrating when the walker gets dealt with shows they only really need to go after a few select targets to prevail over the next few episodes. Think the idea Jon Snow will sit down and talk about a truce with the Night King over the Westeros equivalent of a cup of tea and a few jaffa cakes is a bit far-fetched, so if one side wins and the other loses at the end of this Sam should be in good shape to be a Lord if he survives it all as I doubt Cersei and Euron are going to be allowed to come out on top by HBO as that would be a bit too bittersweet.
  4. You clearly need help. Used to have to listen to this sort of stuff sometimes due to working with a relative who liked this sort of what can loosely be described as music and it stood out as absolutely excrutiating and that was with the one and only Sydney Devine also getting a regular airing as well:
  5. Brendan Shine is also an artist well worth avoiding.
  6. Think the core characters Dany, Jon, Sam, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime will make it through unscathed until very close to the grand finale (not that many episodes to go now when you think about it, so that's only four episodes basically) and what we'll see before the last 90 minutes or so of action is a scythe running through most of the secondary red shirt characters as the Night King's wights and/or Cersei and Euron's mercenaries go on the rampage for a few episodes.
  7. The way that's usually explained away is that being escorted by somebody who had taken the Night's Watch vow made that possible in some way. You have a point though.
  8. They ruined his story arc compared to the book by changing what happened with Sansa. Maybe he'll have the same fate ultimately but it won't unfold in anything like the same way.
  9. Something had to break the spells that prevented the undead from passing (as explained by Benjen in the last series). Apparently that something was the dragon.
  10. Was he completely oblivious to what was happening 10 miles away for the last 50 years? Not sure we are getting the full story, but definitely a case of scumbags being scumbags.
  11. The whole raven flock thing makes no sense if that's what is happening.
  12. They could have found a way to use Bran's warging and time travel abilities to get the message there quicker given ravens squawk out words sometimes, and Drogon could have been the initial target with Viserion hit by accident. A lot of what we are seeing at the moment is lazy writing focused more on the spectacle created than the overall plot and they don't care if a small percentage of book readers ask awkward questions. They only have seven more episodes now, so I think the wall finally has to come down in the next one as the series ending cliffhanger and the first few episodes of the next series will revolve around an increasingly desperate defence of Winterfell and Cersei's shenanigans to use the conflict in the north to her advantage. My predictions are that Arya will take out Littlefinger and eventually off Cersei while pretending to be Jaime, Theon will rescue his sister and do something significant at sea to save Westeros in some way and will wind up ruling the Iron Islands, Sam will save Winterfell by taking Viserion out of the action with the horn he found at the Fist of the First Men (?) after reading something in a book, Bran will wind up with some Childern of the Forest again and will restore balance to the force or whatever after Jon and Danny sacrifice themselves in some noble sort of way to take out the Night King, Gendry Baratheon will be the first elected monarch of what is left of Westeros with Arya as his queen and Tyrion pulling the strings in something resembling a parliament as the wheel will have finally been broken, and Sam will turn out to be the narrator of the story for a LOTR type twist at the end.
  13. Check the clip above and you can easily see on crowds. Maybe 80 or so actually paying their way in? That won't be enough to cover the rent plus cost of officials, if they are paying the £400 per game for Ochilview that has been quoted on here in the past, but the money they get from being licensed should still keep them afloat I would have thought. They'll probably need a good cup run at some point or somebody rich to pump some money in to be able to mount another strong promotion push, but those are things that could happen so it isn't mission impossible.
  14. Turns out Ayr United are full-time now (which surprised me a bit given they are in League One) after I did some googling, so what i was seeing in that clip makes sense.
  15. Not sure if Ayr United are full-time these days, but the difference in fitness levels in the Challenge Cup clip stands out a mile, so an obvious question about your manager at the moment would be if preseason training got the job done compared to what other teams were doing.
  16. Did Mary Maz Durr (cannae be bothered googling how to spell her name) not end the chance of her having kids as part of saving Drogo and then basically having him return in a near comatose state? Then she got burned alive in the pyre that the three dragons hatched from and her life was part of the sacrifice that made that possible.
  17. He's already some sort of zombie and can't go south of the wall, so maybe didn't want to slow Jon down as he knew something about the importance of his future role? Sadly I suspect there will be no deeper explanation provided unless it happens in the book as well, which is no sure thing. The bigger issues for me are the credibility of the raven to Dragonstone and dragons to the rescue timeline and why the whitewalker would take out a smaller dragon rather than the bigger one with the rider on it. Getting a wee bit convenient for a series that gained much of its appeal by not being formulaic.
  18. 2-2 for the Shire against Civil Service Strollers. Looks like there's going to be Lowland League fitba in the Falkirk area for a while.
  19. As long as we finally find out what the honeycomb and the jackass was all about I'll be able to die happy.
  20. Which makes it strange that they don't still have 10 episodes this time. The scene at Eastwatch where characters had a second or two each to react to meeting (or not in Brienne's case) another character was almost comic. Can only assume a combination of inflated per episode payments to the core character actors and the need for more expensive CGI in these series made fewer episodes the better way to go financially somehow, which is understandable but the quality of the drama is suffering because of it.
  21. Don't see why Theon's still kicking around if it is not to rescue her from Euron at some point and do something significant in the wider story after that. Doubt there's time for them to deal with that during this series though. Wonder if Yara will get the treament one of Euron's brothers got in the books. Won't elaborate in case it turns out to be a spoiler.
  22. That's what Tyrion and Jaime think in the book, but neither knows for sure.
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