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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. For sure and rightly so in my opinion, but it's better to steer clear of anything political/historical like that so you don't find out the hard way who doesn't and wind up with some swivel-eyed Ante Pavelic worshiping maniac telling you all about their views on the British Army's role at Bleiburg. I speak from experience.
  2. Probably not very much as I doubt Theresa and Arlene are consulting them on what to do about Brexit. Very stupid and tasteless thing to dress up as at a fancy dress party, but splashed all over the front page of a Sunday newspaper when something like the policies that are being pursued by said DUP/Tory alliance could be there instead? Think that's more than a wee bit parochial in a "North East Man Dies at Sea, Titanic Sinks" as the old joke about the P&J goes sort of way.
  3. That's definitely more like it on the terminology to describe the William Ulsterman stereotype I am supposed to be at this point. Would love to know how people on here can discern that somebody in Airdrie is a DUP supporter when Labour or Conservative is clearly a lot more likely and a tactical SNP vote would have been far from impossible pre-Referendum given Jack McConnell was never exactly flavour of the month amongst people that are likely to wind up at a fancy dress party in an Orange hall.
  4. Now I am supposed to be upset, because that's what the stereotype I am supposed to be would be doing. Same old same old.
  5. ^^^I put this nutter on ignore ages ago because despite frequently criticizing the DUP and the Orange Order on here he seems to have me pigeonholed as something I am not and posts complete gibberish like the above that has nothing to do with what I actually wrote.
  6. Think the cretin giving the straight arm salute should have realized that he looks more like Oliver Hardy than Adolf.
  7. That's a truly bizarre series of posts since I last checked in here. I post that it is in very bad taste to do what was in the picture and then people start posting as if I was defending it in some way. Can someone explain what this was even doing in a thread about the DUP given it took place in Scotland rather than NI? The Orange Walk Scottish Cricket thread would have been more suitable.
  8. Clearly in very bad taste assuming it isn't a photoshop job but not sure why this is seen as newsworthy in what purports to be a "quality" newspaper beyond the very crude propaganda angle of linking the LOL (that will wind Kincardine up a bit) to the Nazis in some vague sort of way. It's not like this flute band are in any way influential in terms of wider society unlike this guy, for example:
  9. Kezia Dugdale in relationship with SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-40618823
  10. Some people were trying to explain that to you years ago. The SFA had to create the appearance of a pyramid to keep UEFA happy on club licensing, but had no interest in forming a genuine one any more than the SJFA ever did. Looks like Wigtown have paid the penalty by having a surprisingly good season and not being able to contemplate actually winning the championship, because of the bizarre forced progression angle, which isn't a feature in most European countries as far as I'm aware.
  11. Meanwhile we are heading for a hard Brexit, because the Tories have morphed into a watered down clone of UKIP. The problem isn't so much whether the populists win, UKIP never did, it is the effect they have on the mainstream parties in normalising policies that a decade ago would have been unthinkable.
  12. Maybe, but people were saying much the same a generation ago.
  13. Having had a Croatian girlfriend I can vouch for the fact that they have zero sense of humour about being referred to as "Krotes" rather than Cro-ats even in jest. If you don't spend the whole time on the beach and actually run into some of the locals avoid making any casual references to Tito being one of the good guys during WWII or the breakup of Yugoslavia being a bad thing or anything like that because even though most of them seem normal enough most of the time they can quickly become completely mental when politics is the subject of the conversation. Steer completely clear of politics and ex-Yugoslavs of all the various nations that have emerged on the whole tend to be great to be around in my experience. Learn the main swear words and you will be well on the way to being fluent in core Serbo-Croat vocabulary as the amount of swearing they tend to do is incredible and can be hilarious to listen to.
  14. As pisstakes go on the Orange Order this is one of the better ones:
  15. Vaguely remember seeing something like that a long time ago, which was in black and white.
  16. It's derogatory language that fits into what gets labelled as sectarianism even though the relevance of the religious angle is questionable nowadays, so if you are opposed to KAT or KAI grafitti, then KAH slogans should also be taken seriously as an issue, if you are not part of the problem because you can only find fault with one side as I suspect is probably the case with "Agent Ath Cliath".
  17. Watched that recently on youtube to see what the fuss was all about and thought it was nothing special. Gives the sort of people from Scotland that are likely to be interested in watching something like that what they want to see in an times highly stereotypical sort of way rather than providing anything truly thought provoking. Football, Faith and Flutes which I also watched courtesy of youtube as I had better things to do with my time when these programmes originally aired is much better as it lets people from that background and their mirror image on the green and gold side of things express themselves rather than putting words in their mouth and that provides a much clearer picture of their world view and motivation.
  18. ...and what some people don't seem to get is that junior football would very much still be there if that happened and would be much the same as it is now, but probably minus some of the more bizarre things that most people don't seem to like, such as having no fixture lists well in advance, limits on the use of floodlights when clubs have them available and the cash grab that is reinstatement. Some of the perennial high flyers would no doubt rise to bigger things giving more clubs the chance at some silverware, others that usually struggle would fall away to the amateur level to be replaced by clubs like Rossvale, Kennoway or Gartcairn that want to give a higher level a go, but most would putter along doing much the same as they are now, as every club would find its natural level.
  19. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/mps-vote-in-favour-of-queens-speech-35878247.html When Ms Creasy raised the issue of charging for abortion during the Queen's Speech debate on Wednesday, DUP MP Ian Paisley (North Antrim) told the Commons: "This is not a matter for Belfast, it is a matter for NHS England". They don't seem that bothered about it, because all they really care about is maintaining NI's place within the Union.
  20. They already effectively did in Scotland as long as they could come up with a Scottish address and Nicola Sturgeon has been talking about supporting it openly in recent weeks.
  21. Then how do you expect to win? The posture she should take is that it's still on the table beccause May might still do something completely mental on Brexit, but we will only pull the trigger if Yes is over 55% in the opinion polls for six months. Keeps the crazies on board, while avoiding a fiasco on a second referendum that would kill the issue for a generation, so they can wait until conditions are actually ripe for it.
  22. Positioning themselves to gain votes from independence nothing less types.
  23. If they went back to being the Unionists or perhaps more likely the Moderates (their old local government name) again and pushed the Scottish angle, they would have had a realistic prospect of a sustained draining of support from the SNP. As things stand 13 MPs is probably going to be a flash in the pan, because being a branch plant isn't going to cut it in the long term when devolution means that the interests of Scottish Tory voters are often not going to be the same as those in England.
  24. Murdo Fraser should be pointing this out behind closed doors as he wanted a separate Scottish Conservative party, but lost the leadership race to Ruth Davidson.
  25. It's not going to be good news right across the British Isles. EEC entry did wonders for the RoI because it undid a lot of the damage inflicted by 1916. A hard Brexit reverses that to a significant extent and might even sink the Common Travel Area. If there is an example of a hard border on our doorstep, it will be a while before indyref2 gathers steam again as the passports to go to Carlisle thing will be more than a scare tactic.
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