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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It's taken a while, can't believe it's taken him 5 years to get to where he is today after the ability he showed in his very early appearances, personally I still think he should have been working on his build since his debut or before, now looks like he could carve out a decent career for himself. This time last season I didn't think he was upto starting in a League One winning side, now he looks at home in the Championship.
  2. What the f**k is happening with your lot so far this season.
  3. Just wear a red rose. If Shankland scores a 95th minute winner everything is up for grabs.
  4. It would have softened the blow of any losers.
  5. The weather is looking ok for todays racing, no doubt the ladies will be dishing out eyefulls in that wind.
  6. I'll keep it for you, if you're looking for some big fat bawbag you might not find me, I'm more in the chunky mode.
  7. Look for mud lovers, it's chucking it down and you need a mud lover at Ayr when it's like that.
  8. And if it's a youngster they can pay me their rate, it's dead money to me anyway.
  9. You do not appear to be reading my posts. How is it fairly obvious?
  10. No, I quoted the poster who posted that they were looking for one, no c**t replied or pm'd about it, they can't be that bothered. What season ticket holders got done out of one, all the tickets weren't even purchased by ST holders.
  11. You are correct Callum, it appears that I'm expected to chap doors,join Facebook,pm others.
  12. You'll know more than I did then, not that it's got f**k all to do with you, I purchased an extra 1 in case one of my own kids wanted to go, they don't, I'll not be breaking my neck getting rid of it.
  13. No idea, I'm not really that bothered about it one way or the other.
  14. You're quite right, if my grandson asks to go to a Killie game I would take him no problem.
  15. I'm the most optimistic guy on the planet and I thought McCall was unlikely to attain his wish for crowds of over 2000, we're there, more will come back the longer we stay at the right end of the table, 6 points before Dundee United would certainly help, a lot easier said than done though.
  16. It's nearing the point where you can only joke about your own group, it's getting to ridiculous levels of finding and taking offence.
  17. No, I'm saying that anyone knowing what went on would have known, I'd have known regardless as I don't know any other celebrity that I could have mistaken that for.
  18. The only context needed was the knowledge that Williams made a c**t of herself, zero background was required to know who that was, anyone that thinks otherwise is kidding themselves on for some strange reason.
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