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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'd like to see our young keeper tested as well, he's certainly looked the part so far when I've watched him.
  2. Nah, most are not the real knuckledragging types, good guys apart from their choice of team.
  3. You just stick to your highlights packages and I'll worry about over-egging it for 5 weeks. I've got so many Rangers fans to windup for 5 weeks in the real world.
  4. Shankers will surely want to stay for this one, this could be his interview for his dream job.
  5. 5 weeks of salivating Derek, I'm like a fat kid in a Haribo factory.
  6. Shankers nearly earned us the lost transfer fee already, happy days. I'll spend a day polishing his shooting boots for him, a goal or 2 from him will be well worth the ticket money.
  7. We did, we kindly allowed you to see the boy stick in a hat-trick to justify your gate money.
  8. If Killie go out today I'd love a crack at Rangers at the Stadium of Delight, a great chance to see if we've got what it takes and a chance for a lot more locals to watch us strutting our stuff, we'll happily take their cash for the rest of the season to watch their wee team.
  9. He's correct to a point but Shankland has added so much more to his game this season.
  10. Not going to argue about the need for a striker but you had too many players not willing to take a chance and make a run round our defence when passes were being played in to the guy up front in the 1st half, we've 6 or 8 players in a 12 x 8 rectangle, the midfielder's playing the ball into the forward with his back to goals and his only options are to give it back or turn and try to beat 2 or 3 defenders, it only takes one player on each side to run round our defence and he's got an option for a quick pass out to the edge of the box and he's into the box with A N Other to meet the cross.
  11. I've watched Ayr for 50 years, felt like giving up plenty of times due to the abject shite we've been served up on a fairly regular basis, at the moment I'm happily paying to watch Shankland in action, take his goals away and I'd still want to watch him, your number 5 looked after him quite well today and he still managed 2(should have been 3), add in all the other fine performances we're getting from our squad and it's a joy going to watch us at the moment, if it was great all the time I probably wouldn't appreciate what I'm watching most weeks. Surprisingly after watching that game today, I don't think Dundee are that many players away from being a decent team, reminded me a bit of us over the previous 2 seasons where we were far more ponderous than I thought we should have been, belief and passing and moving at pace wrecks the shape of defences and usually leads to forwards finding spaces in the box that normally aren't there..
  12. I think he's worth more to Ayr but your mob only offered £70k plus a few baubles.
  13. Christ, can only imagine what he'll be shouting tonight, "how the f**k did a diddy £70k striker manage to rip you bunch of p***ks a new arsehole".
  14. Hate to think what it would be like if you'd managed to sign the real deal, Dundee 1 Real Deal 2.
  15. Hope you've got your big plastic bib on properly, that drivel will ruin your laptop otherwise.
  16. f**k, Argos would be happy with that amount of pots n kettles.
  17. Unfortunately the banter and seeing Smith were the only positives tonight, I hate to think what the 2 pies I ate are going to do through the night.
  18. i wish we had signed liam smith. seens a real talent. think he will do well fir you this season. not on saturday though! The only problem with adding Smith to our squad is we could be sending 7 or 8 players forward at times, someone will be required to keep tabs on the numbers flooding forward.
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