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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I've never made myself "look busy" in my life, if they can't provide enough work f**k them.
  2. Nah, that goal deserved to be applauded by everyone in attendance, worth double the gate price on it's own it's only the halfwits that think it's wrong to cheer class when you see it.
  3. It'll be good to see how good Ferguson is, I wrote him off as a right back early last season(probably correctly at the time), I think he's improving and a wee run in the team if he plays well won't do him any harm. Still think we need another centre half, probably a no nonsense type to compliment players like Rose.
  4. You're not that excited that you've got splurge nonsense all over the shop.
  5. There's nobody being negative but we're also not getting knickerwettingly over-excited either.
  6. I've not saw anything to suggest Shankland & Co aren't going to bang them in this season again.
  7. I really can't be arsed acting the billybigbaws, plenty made a c**t of themselves last year without carrying it on to this season.
  8. The best part about last night, for me, was that we didn't miss anyone who didn't start and only missed Sir Shanks of those who were subbed off, keep this up and the January window will be torture.
  9. Didn't have many saves to make but his distribution was excellent, in terms of physicality he reminds me of David de Gea when he first signed for Man U (not comparing skill level) I hope not, took Dr Gea a while to rise above mediocrity in a United shirt.
  10. Did anyone else think young Doohan dealt with everything that came his way like a seasoned goalie.
  11. I just thought he was putting too much pace on them, if he picked his spot he scores.
  12. You're allowed to get carried away, we were a joy to watch for large spells of the game.
  13. If (and it's a big if) they play like that regularly in the Championship there will be, folk that don't bother with away games are now going to diddy cup games away.
  14. 35 goals in 36 games now absolute machine! Was it not the perfect hat trick tonight, left, right and head.
  15. I think McCall must have told him he was hooking as soon as hit the hat trick if he'd stayed on he could have got a few more The right call was probably hooking him after the 2nd but you don't want to interfere with a strikers confidence too much when he's flying.
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