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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. No, the SNP's voting history is far more cultish than the other 2 main parties IMO. If you don't have a plan B if plan A doesn't work then don't use plan A. If that's all she's got this time then why are we all voting for an Indy majority and if she has a plan B why wasn't it used the last time.?
  2. It means the SNP are in last chance saloon. Folk will no longer accept her bringing forward shite legislation agreed by all her nodding dogs only to uturn when reality shows it to be shite. They vote like a cult.
  3. That's all very well but it all overlooks the fact that folk are just going to push it to the back of their minds until the next proper opportunity presents itself, the SNP will need to get their future votes from their performance rather than them being an Indy party. I've never really agreed with the SNP taking control of the Yes movement as their outlook on it is just one of a multitude, they've taken folks votes for independence as a show of support for all their policies, now those people are saying it's time to stand on your own two feet going forward.
  4. It's not my job to know all the routes available or all the moves to make, I'm just saying that if nowt happens this time a very large chunk of Indy supporters will just start voting for whichever party/candidate they feel will fulfil their ambitions after this election, ie 3 parties getting 20/30% of the vote and perhaps someone like the Greens getting a wee 5%+ uptick in their support.
  5. I'm not suggesting a referendum should have taken place, this is hardly the right time to ask people to vote for a referendum but you've got to play the hand you're dealt. Personally I thought Nicola was way out with asking for a S30 when she did, can't remember exactly why as I've had other things that occupied my mind since then but do remember thinking the timing was wrong, walking away with barely a shrug was very very poor IMO, in the real world you're done when you're bluff has been called so badly.
  6. In my experience, most of those complaining will be straight into that shit like everyone else, there's one thing you can be guaranteed with social media is, it's full of hypocritical bampots.
  7. And how are we getting to 65%+ with 35% hardcore NO? If nowt happens of substance this time independence is over for a while as the nose holders are only giving her 1 more vote under sufferance.
  8. 4. Was a bigger, ate our cereal. 8. Totally ignores Covid.
  9. That'll be roundly rubbished on here going by the posts I've read, they should maybe do more to fix the shit than place loads of votes on a poll
  10. I'd just ask him if he got cleared of his sexual misdemeanor.
  11. Hopefully Nicola doesn't hunt her over to Alba.
  12. I'm afraid that was the hand I was dealt, you'll not hear me decrying where I come from,I don't ever hide it.
  13. The examples might come out if the SNP take the wrong route.
  14. Why would I do that, I much preferred punting at a young age and anyone that really knows me knows that.
  15. Is anyone really interested in these rabbles anymore, you get a better debate with 4 drunk guys in the pub.
  16. Shouldn't have shown them Todd's post last summer.
  17. You're at it. Why would you think that, I was brought up in a street where most men didn't work as far as I can remember, this was 45 years ago when you could leave a job on the Friday into a new one on the Monday, thankfully I left at 10, it was rough and fighting your corner was an everyday occurrence.
  18. I remember the Black Bull in Ayr guiding the ladies into the lounge as the men used coarse words in the bar, that was 20 years later.
  19. Not from me...I'm a lover not a fighter. Easiest way.
  20. I would expect a slapping to be the reply in a lot of schemes across the country, can't imagine it's changed that much since I was a youngster.
  21. Hahahaha shut up does not merit a punch in the grid. Behave. Depends where you live/have lived.
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