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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You already regularly jump through hoops to get to the football.
  2. That's their favourite pastime, always has been always will be.
  3. Big Jake the bouncer will be well pissed off.
  4. Get out there and fight then, I'm only telling you what I think will happen and you'll upgrade your phone quick enough if its required.
  5. No, that's the reality of what would happen if they were introduced,given your desperation to get out I'd suspect you'd have yours far quicker than myself.
  6. The 1st I heard of him was on here on the Sevco thread.
  7. If I'm required to have a vaccine passport for a pub, restaurant, holiday etc I will get one just so businesses and the population can get back to some sort of normality. It's a shite state of affairs as you just know that the higher-ups are just going to abuse their power. It's a very slippy slope when you've got Boris and his chums in control of Dick Dastardly' bag of tricks.
  8. If that's all it takes for you to be. satisfied I'm hoping they have you working from home.
  9. Always better to be in the underestimated camp, they don't usually sign away their pensions to some silver tongued devil.
  10. No doubt Tom Gordon has probably been ridiculed multiple times by Stuart Campbell over the years, if he was confident then he'd have shredded the allegation technically, why hasn't he? We'll all soon be using Boris and Priti to back up our claims.
  11. In all honesty, only an imbecile could study our voting system and come to the conclusion that SNP 2 isn't a wasted vote in quite a few areas if the SNP are to get anywhere near 50% of the seats.
  12. How can they have, the sums were raised were later than that. Sorry, that's me actually just reading the piece from the electoral commission, that doesn't clear them of anything, it's just says it's not in their remit.
  13. The SNP took in nearly£600k, that's according to themeslves, those monies were to be ringfenced, SNP's words openly headlined in paper after paper, their accounts that I surmise they paid someone to prepare on their behalf do not show anything that could remotely be construed as £600k. Sean Clerkin is as entitled as any one else to ask the question. You're needing to open your thick mind rather than following the well trodden path on here of disbelieving everything if someone has a red mark by their name.
  14. Where is the money? I couldn't care less who brings it to folks attention if there's a question to be answered,there is a question to be answered in this case.
  15. Can't really comment too much as I've been working when we've played but it worries me that any manager feels that our squad is made for hoofball, I'd have thought he would have been asked if he will be playing a similar style to that of his previous clubs when he was interviewed. It was bad enough that Kerr was allowed to career towards that style of football without employing someone that specialises in it.
  16. What does polling have to do with what I originally replied to?
  17. Or perhaps Nicola's popularity has increased within soft/non Indy contributors whilst a decrease among hard Indy.
  18. Why, I know a few that are now more likely to vote that way. I actually don't meet anyone now that speaks about Sturgeon in a good way.
  19. I've hardly heard them mentioned after the 1st day compared to the established parties and I'm interested in politics. Who knows whether there will be a shy Salmond element, I think there's a fair chance you don't, we might see one way or the other after the election.
  20. It'll still give us a guide, the 3% poll prompted as well, how else would folk know who they were when they're not splattered all over the TV etc. I actually think that prompting for Salmond will underplay the Alba numbers as some folk won't want to admit voting for Salmond.
  21. The Indy vote has split into different factions following different blogs.
  22. There appears to be a lot of bitterness towards SNP, even some of the SNP ones that have recently switched have a lot of anger towards their old party, you have to wonder what on earth's been happening in recent years within the SNP.
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