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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You weren't out your bed early enough for the early episodes.
  2. Obviously if we have a female referee at a high level it follows that there will already have been female assistant referees.
  3. Is that Kerevan on his third political party now? Are you not on your 2nd side of the independence debate.
  4. Alba style attempt....which is ???? Getting 80 or 90 MSPs to try and highlight the absurdity of Westminster deciding what is or isn't good for us.
  5. No it isn't, having a proliferation of poor female pundits does nothing for nobody.
  6. Most of the men have played at a decent level in the men's game, doesn't always make them good at punditry right enough.
  7. I don't mind having women pundits, it's just that they're filling too many slots with folk that no more qualified than most fans.
  8. I do agree about the punditry bit, box ticking of the highest order, why don't we just get Tucker Sloan or some other ex lower league players or junior managers on.
  9. Fortunately my performance in school helped me avoid that result quite a few times in my younger days, I'd probably be a career criminal if I had been poor at school and didn't have a very good social worker and lawyer on my side, both women and worth every penny they ever earned.
  10. Marshy knows as well, he's a big boxing fan as far as I recollect.
  11. What's your alternative ? Are you in favour of UDI / unrecognised referendum as that appears the only viable (???) alternative. If not, rather than constant anti Sturgeon mewling what would you hope to see happen. I don't see the SNP simply needing to change leader for the WMG to do a section 30 u-turn so what are you actually hoping to see happen ? I've no idea what is a viable route but I'd rather see an Alba style attempt over doing nothing as that's going nowhere, I'll continue to carp against Sturgeon as I'm not her biggest fan, an awful lot of supporters have shown a similar disdain in recent years given the 30/40k drop in membership before the recent uptick.
  12. We've already got a majority of more than one, haven't witnessed any preps for our impending referendum. I do remember us doffing our cap whilst asking for one, think we were told to bolt, we did whilst doffing our cap all the way home.
  13. The system was set up to game the system. Down South can dictate to about most things on 35/40%. We'd maybe have been spared the excesses of the Tory party over the past 4 decades if they had a similar voting structure.
  14. Ach it's just Ayrmad going through his standard occasional LOOK AT ME phase. Has he mentioned attending the University of Life yet? Just posting what many are thinking, Nicola is not the one.
  15. When it becomes apparent that Nicola won't be providing us with indyref2 I will be quite happy for the Indy parties to get tore into each other so we can all see what's actually been going on in the SNP, time to clear the shite out of the independence movement and start again.
  16. Used to get away with that on here with only a few dissenting voices. If we could see all the insults getting thrown at women from within the SNP we'd have nobody to vote for.
  17. Not quite what I recall, in December 65% of covid deaths were caused by infections picked up in hospital, if my version is correct it certainly adds a bit of credence to why Sturgeon and Co cleared the auld yins out of hospital and into care homes.
  18. I'm expecting to have a fair amount of new freedom sometime before May 6th.
  19. If you can't talk about independence how are you ever going to bring it about. Sounds like it's all about the power.
  20. I've continually posted that I think indyref2 won't be happening anytime soon, if there is the slightest chance of me being wrong it won't be brought about by having a small pro Indy majority, it's only the weight of having 2/3's of the parliament that might bring about the pressure required for BoJo to find a shred of democratic decency. I'd rather have Alba in the game over the status quo, if nothing else it might give the SNP a kick up the arse, I'll not be holding my breath. Are you suggesting that we all do nothing and just accept being tied to the Union?
  21. I think it was the fact that they were able to just write a cheque for £30/40k that got to him the most, don't think that's the normal response from those evading tax.
  22. Know someone who's job it was to investigate the tax affairs of doctors, said a lot just acted like their earnings from private sources didn't need to be declared, usually just wrote a cheque to cover the 5 figure sum asked for.
  23. It's surely better dying on a hill for half the population than next to nobody.
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