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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. They just be quite happy to retain their respective power, they'll be no different from politicians the world over.
  2. They've killed a 2nd vote stone dead, wouldn't even be close if a 2nd referendum were to be called.
  3. Well it wasn't me, you don't get a free hit because you misread more than one post.
  4. Add St Johns too. At least 1 class been told not to go in tomorrow due to positive case. Newton must be the only one with nothing north of the river.
  5. Of course I was, I've zero history on here of doing anything that would undermine someone with serious health issues or similar.
  6. I'll post how I like, if you don't like it don't read it.
  7. I think you'll find I was only responding in kind. Obviously too quick to play the man rather than the posts on here as usual.
  8. How the f**k did I have a dig, I don't even know anything about most posters on here, my post was that unpaid carers SHOULD be up the list to lessen the risk of transmission.
  9. Who cares what you and yours have done, there are plenty of others that could have and should have climbed the list.
  10. And there will be plenty that would have preferred to be higher up the queue to reduce the risk of transmission. Fanny.
  11. Our care system is propped up by millions of unpaid carers but most have probably had to wait their turn for the vaccine rather than getting a wee jump the queue.
  12. The teachers fighting for the best coffee mug in the staff room. You've certainly got to stand your corner around that area.
  13. It has a dozen teachers isolating they haven't all tested positive. The schools are closed due to the number of teachers isolating rather than them all having Covid. Suggests they had maybe been mixing more than they should have but that's purely speculation. Aye, only gave the stories a passing glance on my phone.
  14. It highlights a wee flaw in all this.
  15. Isn't the Whittlets numbers down to an outbreak at one of the car showrooms off the Whittlets roundabout ? I don't know, Braehead Primary has a dozen teachers plus some pupils with covid, Dalmilling Primary and Heathfield Primary are also closed. Braehead and Dalmilling are right next Whitletts and Heathfield is not even a mile away.
  16. It is actually run out the pub my BIL runs in Whitletts, he wouldn't have been daft enough to have partied in there. Your general point about Rangers will have an affect but we've currently got 3 schools closed, 2 of which are in that general area.
  17. What Rangers Supporters Club in Whitletts?
  18. Have to agree, it would be a dereliction of duty if the police didn't advise women to stay in, take care, don't go out unaccompanied etc in the immediate aftermath of something like this. History has shown time and again with serial killers that very high levels of policing does not prevent further victims.
  19. Marvellous Marvin was one hard b*****d.
  20. Winning is hunkydorey, outright majority not so much.
  21. It was still impressive that they caught him and announced it so quickly, large organisations like police, NHS etc have a tendency to have 'cover it up' as their 1st reaction to anything deemed as really negative.
  22. Unfortunately there are a sizeable minority of police officers who've joined for the wrong reasons, crossed paths with quite a few knobs with a badge over the years, I also know a lot of current and retired cops of all ranks that seem to be sound.
  23. I was actually quite impressed with how quickly they'd managed to apprehend one of their own, then they go and f**k it up.
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