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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Sturgeon is head and shoulders above the rest, that's part of the problem, you need a competent opposition to keep them honest. That's my polite reply, I'd get a chap at the door if I posted my opinion of them.
  2. It will be a bigger minter if we allow it to be played up here against advice.
  3. The day the meeting and subject was arranged or the day he met her and set out the allegations to her? I know which one I'd remember more clearly. You'll remember what you're told.
  4. We'll see exactly what's in her manifesto, not expecting much of a route map other than a shrug if Bawjaws says NAW. She's got power and £400k per annum to protect now that she didn't previously.
  5. She's no interest in putting independence before power.
  6. I think she's wilfully misremembering, there's nobody on here going to shift that, the fact that you feel the need to compare her to Salmond shows where you and many others stand on it, I'm not interested in defending anything Salmond did before all this kicked off. As you can tell though, I'm not a Sturgeon or SNP fan, they're not taking us a step nearer independence anytime soon.
  7. If you say so.... You'll be better placed to compare both.
  8. You're a beast? Better than being a fanny.
  9. It's only a few years ago, she must have forgot about that 1st meeting almost immediately.
  10. Why would I need to remember that, I do remember that that day preceded all the other fallout from that day.
  11. Obviously I do, when I start forgetting something of that magnitude those close to me will know I'm losing it.
  12. I've not called for anything, just pointed out that you're a saddo who isn't too chuffed about himself.
  13. I've been in a similar situation over 30 years ago, still know who said what.
  14. What does that have to do with her hearing he was a sleaze ball.
  15. But that won't be monumental to him as he'd already know the name of those he was less than gentlemanly towards, she's being told about her friend and idol, that day would live in my memory until dementia kicked in.
  16. There was no point in raking over her bouts of amnesia, I certainly can't take her assertions about forgetting the Aberdein meeting and what was mentioned, there may well be something that Hamilton has that clears this up in her favour but I certainly don't believe such a forensic mind is so forgetful.
  17. Don't think many on here needed images to know what he's like on the inside or outside, heaven help those with a better veneer that need his input to get on in life. He's like the addiction counsellor that thinks all addicts are scumbags.
  18. It's actually a very good watch,proves nowt about his ability but does prove his dedication and belief in himself. Certainly can't imagine him using our surface as an excuse too much.
  19. Hopefully Smith has a wee side list containing 2 or 3 that may not have applied, surely clubs do their own homework previous to managers leaving.
  20. Not good, hopefully the detail announced tomorrow makes it better.
  21. I was a wee bit worried when you were sticking your cash on.
  22. How can you unveil before Saturday after announcing a closing date.
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