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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Small popup restaurants in places of worship could be a wee money maker.
  2. It's actually pathetic that we're having to hope for the previously cast adrift team to lose a goal or two, our team has really dropped off dramatically in a seasons worth of games under Kerr.
  3. Most of us will be indestructible by then, not delighted we're not getting our freedom earlier due to all the unvaccinated under 50's.
  4. They'll need to drop like a stone and then some, she's a cautious person, she'll push business owners close to the f**k it we're opening stage IMO.
  5. She has never opened anything up earlier so far, no way is she starting now without extreme pressure from falling hospitalisation/ICU numbers.
  6. Not told us too much, at least it kills the euphoria a wee bit. Hopefully she tweaks those levels into something worthwhile.
  7. Which I guess is why she is saying subject to some modifications She should be able to tell you what those are, what reason is there for keeping that until a later date.
  8. Level 3 for restaurants at end of April, the old level 3 was a total waste of time for most restaurants.
  9. Don't burst their bubble, just let them wallow in Boris' cocoon of super optimism. It's not like it's ever came back to bite him before.
  10. After yesterday, getting knocked back down a rung or two won't be a bad thing.
  11. As it should be, I can't stand the constant stream of leaks from the SG, if they know something 2 weeks previous tell us all or tell nobody.
  12. Nicola and Wee Jason could be responsible for record levels of heads gone on here today.
  13. I'm not impressed by either mobs desperation to continually get kids back to school at the earliest opportunity, our staggered approach is infinitely more sensible right enough.
  14. Schools are a positive for businesses in my book.
  15. Not convinced supremely confident is a positive trait when dealing with a pandemic.
  16. When anyone can show me that another month without lockdown measures last March wouldn't have been a disaster then I'll think we overreacted.
  17. Big John will be holding the rug for him imminently on Radio Scotland.
  18. I'm in tears at the thought of going to an Ayr game.
  19. Other than Dundee v Queens being off it'll be a major surprise if we're in the top 4 tonight.
  20. If you mean not even getting close to meltdown, yes.
  21. I'm not really convinced the SG are following a protect the NHS strategy, we've not been close to the NHS up here being totally fucked yet we've had it busy but we've a big shiny place with 1000 beds once we get a bit busier, just need to smuggle on some nurses.
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