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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Why on earth would the hospitality industry be gone for ever.
  2. Not long until kids are back to school and the over 50's are holidaying and socialising, think that will wrap up the May election for Nicola.
  3. Thankfully my grandson is champing at the bit to get back to school as he now realises that his teacher is far better at teaching than his mother, he's not liked school for a few years now but this shitshow might just enable him to attain what I know he's capable of attaining.
  4. I very much doubt that will happen, would be too much of a boot in the baws to those that are ultimately going to pay for this shit.
  5. Yes, but it was only words here, that's just kidding folk on.
  6. In the context of what happened here a year or so ago, obviously it's planning if you're implementing procedures when A, B or C happens, didn't see it myself.
  7. By no planning I was actually meaning tangible things like actually preparing for our PPE requirements etc, saying your going to do something in the event of A, B or C happening is not planning IMO.
  8. It doesn't matter what the media or wider public were discussing back then, politicians and their advisors are party to all the information required to make decisions. Do no planning whatsoever while we see what happens really shouldn't have been their only choice.
  9. Unfortunately we chose to drum our fingers last January.
  10. I just don't ever trust them to tell us the truth, when you see a Tory Chancellor happily giving out another 3 or 4 months of furlough money, you have to ask why, they never mentioned the Kent variant and it's effects between September and mid December(not that I recall) then popped up with it but they'd already announced extending furlough for quite a long time previous to telling us about that variant, I did wonder why Sunak done it back then.
  11. Dying on this hill ffs, have a word with yourself.
  12. Do you honestly believe we're capable of operating such a system, we're over a year into Covid and still don't see any proper planning for how we can live as normal a life as possible with Covid. I still only see us reacting to this virus and what it throws up, I'm not even sure an adult conversation is worth it when you read opinion polls, it'll be 4 fearful voices against every one that's willing to look for alternatives.
  13. You'd rather we didn't have loads of vaccines? Why would you ask such a stupid question?
  14. If you scatter enough shite eventually you'll hit the right spot. It's no real surprise that the one thing Westminster got right was commandeering loads of vaccines, they're experts at me me me.
  15. It wasn't just too far the other way, it was treating us like a nation of imbeciles, I'd love to vote "none of the above" just to show how little I rate our politicians performance during this shambles, as someone who takes my vote seriously I really shouldn't be going into a polling booth thinking none of them really deserve my vote.
  16. Think you might be wrong as all certainly wouldn't want to live the next 6 to 12 months like that.
  17. Snap 3 or 4 day lockdowns or our shitshow of trying to keep too many people happy at the wrong times, difficult choice.
  18. Thought that was a teenagers role in life.
  19. I've never once got that impression from NS or anyone else for that matter. Hancock has stated the obvious. No one expects anything but Covid to be treated like flu in time, that's the whole point of vaccinations. He used that to float the thought of restrictions for another 9 or 10 months, get it out there to see the reaction. Yours is exactly the response he's looking for ie "they will accept this if we wrap the turd up in a nice shiny wrapper with big pictures of carrots on it". It's literally how they have played this whole episode. A wee phrase casually dropped into conversation to see how the public reacts. Nicola and Boris would be better employing a spokesperson from the infant department at Cow & Gate to make their announcements, they'll know more about spoon feeding than Hancock or Freeman ever will.
  20. There's not a soul looking for your brand of help m8. You'll never be my mate, soz.
  21. If you can't see that these new strains have changed things then I can't help you.
  22. We're not 11 months in, we're only 11 months in with the original strains, it's actually quite amazing that we've developed vaccines in such a short time. I don't like being told something might happen in 3 weeks when I can see that it'll be a lot longer but you just need to read this thread to see what would happen if they gave us more certainty with a longer timescale.
  23. Because they've came to a different conclusion.
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