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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. My late father didn't attend a doctors in the 53 years that I knew until the last few months of his life, he was still registered with the same doctor.
  2. There were some edgy characters on here declaring the same.
  3. Yep, on a par with those failing to deal with restrictions.
  4. Hopefully a wee caramel cup thrown in there somewhere.
  5. There's a 4th group that choose not to do anything about their mental struggles, everyone that struggles doesn't have a mental illness yet.
  6. If they get to this time next year, a tighter race than you might think on here given the demographics on here.
  7. Most people struggling have a choice on how they deal with their situation or not and don't do it(please note the word most).
  8. I could post the same about most that are struggling and the message behind it would be accurate, only a walloper frames arguments in those terms, given all those that enjoy his contributions points to the high number of wallopers on here. I love the contradictory nature of this place but it does point to a significant number of double digiters.
  9. And a lot of people need a wake up call with regards how they handle the mental strains highlighted by Covid. If I was on here moaning about being overweight and unhealthy(which I am and I don't), some sage would offer me the sort of short shrift I offered, it's OK if it suits folks narrative on here.
  10. At no point have I mentioned anything that could be construed as me saying it's impossible. Don't remember dismissing anyone suffering, like yourself this morning, I offered an oversimplified view that it's in most people's gift as to how they choose to deal with it, I never offered a solution to their suffering as I only know how to deal with my own thoughts and perceptions.
  11. Kids can be hard to cater for, I only cook meals from scratch and the amount of veg left has increased as my grandchildren get older.
  12. I wouldn't give up hope, might not be as rammed as you imagined though.
  13. It's not an excuse, the self-discipline required is far easier for those working 9 to 5. And it is correct, no possibly about it, thankfully you're looking nowt like me this morning.
  14. I predict that the SG will be required to alter theirs if they announce it first, politics trumps everything when we're pitching Westminster against Holyrood.
  15. And for a lot of people it isn't, I'll generalise, it is easier to keep trim if you work 9 to 5 than it is working into the wee small hours fir various reasons.
  16. If only we had trim nurses to dish out advice about obesity, usually the cleaner that's skinny when I'm around Ayr hospital.
  17. £2 per hour of travel time sounds very cheap.
  18. I personally don't see those sectors opening up then going by what Boris & Co are saying, we'll know more early March when Sunak does his stuff. I certainly don't see us having everyone jagged twice by the end of April.
  19. That's democracy,I'm glad we're not electing a government on the opinion of 10 P&Bers.
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