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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It's those generations that prefer to forego their vote then moan about the consequences of their choice, I've no time for non voters that wish to talk politics, once the ability to vote remotely on their phone becomes reality we might see an acceptable % of them voting, until then we'll just have to listen them moaning about the big bad government that others chose.
  2. Typical response from today's generations of moaners, if I was in England I wouldn't have voted for Corbyn n Co either.
  3. I tend to lay more of the blame at the door of the age groups where sizeable chunks can't be arsed taking 10 minutes out of their life once every 12 to 18 months to vote.
  4. Nah, I don't give a f**k what bawsacs like you think.
  5. Or maybe the gaps between each step could be shortened considerably as we'll be starting from a far lower level. Would far rather have 10% increase 4 weeks later than plateau or worse for 4 weeks.
  6. I'd far rather they kicked it back a month but I've no kids to think about.
  7. Have New Zealand lost their grip on the virus.
  8. Hopefully makes Nicola kickback the date for schools.
  9. When did Westminster start paying our bills.
  10. I've no interest in tugging at heartstrings, I'll leave that Facebook pish to everyone else.
  11. I can do all that at the moment if I want,I tend to see the positives in every situation now.
  12. I've had to give up those things as well, I get up in the morning and deal with it, I've not saw my eldest granddaughter for a wee while now, no point coming on moaning about restrictions impinging on my life every day, I'd rather work on dealing with shit better than just sitting about moaning about it.
  13. Have to be honest, I was due in Benidorm last May, Covid ain't all bad.
  14. No point in trying to help someone when you can get a few emojis on Facebook.
  15. Unfortunately too many people view their partners and loved ones as possessions, some can't stand the thought of an ex being with someone else then there's the strange notion some have that the children are just theirs.
  16. I don't have bad days, more close family deaths than I would have liked in that time but at least I don't have any over 50's apart from myself to worry about. Being miserable is a choice I don't care to choose.
  17. Not making light of it but I actually thought those %'s would be much higher.
  18. Heard from a nurse at Ayr that a nurse was stabbed to death then the assailant killed themselves.
  19. Nah, I've genuinely done as I pleased all my life and I'm not bitching and whining about this shit on a daily basis, If this is the worst thing that happens in my life over the next few years then it'll be much better than the previous 5 or 6.
  20. We've been asked to give up a few things for a few months ffs.
  21. I would have loved to have questioned my grandpa about his time in the army, 2 wars and volunteering at 15, I'm sure there would have been plenty of interesting stories.
  22. I don't believe there's a single person bothered about our rollout being slightly slower with our uptake rates as they are, just don't have any more lazy b*****d Sundays.
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