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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It was Bill Barr' era that fucked the pitch.
  2. When did he do well for us, the c**t spent a fortune getting us nowhere, we had to watch some amount of shite masquerading as senior footballers due to state Barr and Dalziel left Ayr in. Only Ayr can have a sugar daddy that gives the family silver to a complete bawbag of a useless manager. Those occasional good days out in no way make up for the years of drudgery that Ayr fans had to suffer following his departure.
  3. Will be interesting to see just how much they've sold out on Scotland centric areas of the economy, especially those areas that voted for Brexit.
  4. That's the problem, too many have been taking lots of notes for not very much.
  5. You'd think that some high head ones somewhere would have been tasked with creating a framework and system for efficient vaccine dispensing over the last 9 months, it beggars belief how badly prepared we've been at all stages of this shitshow. Unfortunately none of the clowns In positions of power need to sweat for an instant about their jobs, cash or food, it's high time we all voted for people that are capable and motivated to change things for the better and kick the shit out into the real world.
  6. Who were you referring to then when you said it was "tough titties you Brexit loving clowns". Read to me it was towards Prawn fisherman as it was in a post about their catch rotting ? I was referring to an individual whose bleatings were being aired on the BBC yesterday, might be wrong but I'm sure he's a Brexiteer, I will not give houseroom to the bleatings of any Brexit fan who is adversely affected by anything any EU nation does. I do have great sympathy for his employees that did see this shitshow coming in the event of a Leave vote.
  7. I've no doubt it's genuine, I just feel that it might be an opportune time for Boris to be overly cautious, Sturgeon is naturally more cautious and thus easy to carry along.
  8. Not doubting the voracity of the claims made about this mutation but the Brexit shitshow has apparently been shoved well down the "things we should be worrying about" list.
  9. Whilst it's not a big deal, it's certainly a newsworthy story, when you spend every day telling people what they can/should do you've got to be whiter than white.
  10. Think that quote comes from a Brexiteer, they'll be selling their wares at Sunday markets for buttons shortly.
  11. "We'll go bust if we can't sell our langoustine", tough titties you bunch of Brexit loving clowns.
  12. I'm keeping in with those dishing it out, will be surprised if I don't jump the queue a wee bit.
  13. Have we built the storage units for all this seafood yet.
  14. A bit shit from the 'making it up as we go brigade', shambles if leagues, European places and relegation are decided by this shit.
  15. Hearn will be hoping for a lucky punch then.
  16. I take it you said the same about Gary Mason, or are you not old enough? I watched boxing long before Gary Mason, if he's quittng now he'll always be susceptible to folding when the going gets tough.
  17. He's supposed to be a warrior not someone down the pub.
  18. Thought Dubois could reach the top but the inactivity over the last 18 months tells you everything about where his level really is.
  19. Obviously the lackey has been left to write that up whilst the rest go for lunch.
  20. Never said you did, I haven't read it but given GordonEF's post about a 65 year old I'm assuming 13 years is the average loss for all those that died, some will only have lost a few days and some will have lost 70+ years.
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