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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Don't know your circumstances or I'd tell you to grow a pair.
  2. I'd think the measures in place in D&G have a fair bit of politics wrapped up in their implementation, fine by me if it makes us take a bit more care than some of the halfwits down south when we try and return to normal.
  3. Can't say I've noticed much homophobia on here apart from the occasional zoomers that are usually dispatched fairly quickly.
  4. Watched the same, looks like it's just a numbers game, it's not if but when the next one occurs.
  5. You are correct but for me Neilson is vastly overrated.
  6. Losing Robbie is the best bit of business Dundee United will do over the next few windows.
  7. How do we know she has empathy, she might just bo on a save her own arse mission. The SNP members vote like a dictatorship, even the shite stuff usually gets total support.
  8. Both, I find the voting patterns at Holyrood creepy.
  9. How would you know she isn't anything like that.
  10. Holy f**k Wonder if he'll get a 12 month holiday like the rest.
  11. Was Easter weekend not near the peak, you'd have been moaning even if bodies on gurneys were backed down to Bankfield Roundabout.
  12. He's been moaning from day 1,Sturgeon and Johnson will quite rightly have their performance dissected on here and elsewhere, Everythingisshite will add nothing to the debate either way.
  13. They'll just be trying to ensure they're still in business after this shit is over.
  14. Perhaps you need treated like a toddler, when doctors and nurses were shitting themselves at the prospect of what lay ahead you were greeting about everything you weren't allowed to do, you weren't being asked to do anything more than the rest of us but my f**k you've girned your way through every bloody week of it.
  15. Dry your eyes ffs, you've whined your way through this whole episode like a toddler not getting a treat, do what the rest of us are doing, suck it up and dae wit yer fuckin' telt.
  16. I totally agree about who's in front of who, not sure where we stood before England eased the lockdown but I'm very confident that we're now in front of them.
  17. Can see where he's coming from, which measures have true merit will be harder to determine in most countries. The Swedes appear to accept more responsibility than most leaders.
  18. Appeared to say they all fucked up, them, too lenient, rest too stringent.
  19. They don't realise they need to buy a ticket up front, hopefully Robbo reads their own forum and the club attaches clauses that stop them trying to f**k us over.
  20. Sturgeon is cautious but the public will tell her when it's right to ease things, it's only the scared and most vulnerable that will suck up restrictions that aren't needed.
  21. I'd like to see us giving them the minimum allocation allowed and sticking them in the stand, can't be arsed with entitled fanbases.
  22. Don't get the knicker wetting over shite when seeing the club survive should be our only worry, can't be easy for those running the club as it's not easy watching your bank getting emptied without a penny coming in the other direction, Sunak should have made sure everybody had 4 to 6 weeks income free just to give the whole population a kick up the arse.
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