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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I think the government will eventually grasp the irony of those left out holding onto as much of their cash as possible going forward.
  2. Not great, not sure why they chose 3 years for self employed other than to save cash.
  3. Yep, had nowt so far, I'll wait and see what happens over the next fortnight, not great for those falling through the cracks, especially when businesses that have profited from this are getting a wedge of sorts as well.
  4. We'll have hope teachers and such like don't see a significant lift in their wage packet, this shitstorm will have to be paid for once it's over, hopefully we'll all be in it together this time round.
  5. Like J Cole earlier, he has posted some stuff with merit, might just be reverting to the mean now.
  6. How many weeks was that 50000 spread over? How many excess deaths would have happened in week 20 or so with no lockdown, a lot more than the worst week in any of those flu outbreaks you mention by a long chalk. I know next to nowt about all this but I know you're starting to look stupid.
  7. This virus hardly had time to build up a head of steam before we went into lockdown, I don't need to read what Ferguson wrote, I'm capable of looking at numbers and deciding it's not worth the risk to myself, another 2 or 3 weeks without lockdown and people like myself would have been overlooked for ICU over younger and or healthier individuals(quite rightly IMO).
  8. I thought 'a bad flu season' had been safely put to bed, as far as I'm concerned this is not a bad flu season, there's no way I'd be locked away if I thought this was just a bad flu season, nowt Sturgeon or Johnson could say would keep me in if I thought it was just like a bad flu season.
  9. Maximum transmission rate will fall as more are infected but I'd think it will need to rise until it reaches its new maximum after lockdown. I'll certainly not be rushing back to normal in 3 or 4 weeks time.
  10. I thought we were up at 3000, might be wrong as I've stopped tracking it.
  11. Raab mentioning other countries coming out of lockdown without the proper measures in place, this lot are narcissistic fickwits of the highest order.
  12. Yes, R0 rate would be even more of a guess as we're not party to their figures but we can use data from elsewhere to work out an approximate infection rate, the R0 rate appears to be taking at lot longer to plunge than I thought.
  13. Multiplying the deaths by 300/400 won't be a million miles away IMO.
  14. I'll pay what's required to avoid squeezing onto our overpriced public transport with the rest of the plebs.
  15. In all honesty, that will be your call at some point in the future, lockdown or otherwise isn't really your starting point.
  16. You can continue shielding if you wish whilst still receiving any financial benefits you're due.
  17. Nah, can't agree with that nonsense, I'd be highly offended if my loved ones death was swept under the carpet, luckily for me I've no oldies to worry about now. Don't think the situation in care homes will have much bearing on lockdown restrictions.
  18. Yes, they admitted they made an arse of it with regards to care homes.
  19. Just get ICU capacity up to a level that allows us to get this over in done after one complete easing of lockdown, those in vulnerable groups can without penalty carry on as is if they wish.
  20. We'll not be able to under reporting by others as a get out.
  21. Hope Albert doesn't pop up with pics of that munter.
  22. Disappointed they never sprayed his house.
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