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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Someone else trying to steal the Bishops thunder.
  2. Personally I wouldn't be listening to anyone and taking their word until it's proven, these fuckers need people like you to prove or disprove their guesses, educated as they are, they are still guesses, most of their mistakes have been down to studying history and making educated guesses, this has acted differently to the others so far.
  3. Our leaders chose to have 1000+ deaths a day, don't let the bawbags ignoring the rules to ever take us all away from the main incontrovertible fact that our leaders took us down this path whilst only doffing their caps at planning on the way past.
  4. The messages were not the same, one was ambiguous and one wasn't, I'm still not sure if Boris told builders to stop non essential building works.
  5. I've no idea how large the minority is, neither do you, it's hard to be too critical when you look at the example being set by those at the top. We had Nicola Sturgeon setting out quite clearly where we stood on the lockdown on the 23rd March and before, at the same time the BBC totally drowned that message out by continually showing us Boris and his buds mibbees aye mibbees naw message wishy-washy pish, I chose to take Sturgeon as our boss, most didn't, BBC 1 has Scotland as an afterthought whereas I think we should be getting it from our perspective with rUK as the tag on.
  6. I think the vast majority of Scotlands citizens respect the rules, if you just see a couple of incidences repeated on your Facebook or TV highlighting a few infractions you might think otherwise but they aren't the norm IMO.
  7. Still the same faces feeding us their version of what's unfolding.
  8. Amazon was just an example, it happens all the way down the chain, we all do it at some level, I for one will be returning to buying all my fresh food from local suppliers with provenance after this, more laziness than saving cash for me but it really isn't great for your local community.
  9. Aye theres a bit of that, it still all has to come down from the top though in terms of changing it. There's not a bit of that, the country is rife with it.
  10. The public are more at fault than you seem to accept, this country is full of gobshites that moan about how the Amazon's of this world treat their employees whilst using said companies to save a quid.
  11. You'll need to have a tadger like a blue whale to get a shag off tinder at the moment.
  12. I think they were just making sure we didn't burst through the 9k barrier, we're being played like an old fiddle.
  13. All 4 nations cease counting their daily totals at different times, can only assume that worldometer are totalling all 4 figures today and adding on to yesterday's adjusted figure.
  14. At the moment it is 2 separate figures with some overlap, as of 5th April, 220 from daily figure and 354 Inc the 220 from NRS announced weekly. The daily figures get pounded all over the media for both countries, no reason the lagged figures aren't included other than political expediency, they need to make more noise about them shortly if they want to start battering the "Chinese lied to us" drum as a divertionary tactic.
  15. Apart from the name, what else is staggering?
  16. At least we're trying to show what's really happening, England will be eating their Easter eggs with 15,000 deaths, they just won't know it.
  17. The daily figure does not include care homes etc at the moment, they are trying to include them in at some point next week. Just divide by 5 and multiply by 8 to give you an idea where the 4 UK countries stand.
  18. Stockholm at 510 now, over 300 in ICU, hopefully a large % of the population are no longer susceptible.
  19. Stockholm have 476 deaths with 1000000 population, that's not great.
  20. I'd like to move to Wales If those rates are comparable across countries.
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