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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I tend not to bother about grammar or spelling, it's mostly used as a divertionary tactic on here for those with a weak position. Most folk chose to attack Jerry Cole without actually reading through his links. The fact that quite a chunk of it is looking more correct with every passing day doesn't appear to matter to most on here, more importance appears to be attached to his posting style or the fact that a moon howler wrote the piece he provided a link for.
  2. Being grammatically correct doesn't make it worth reading, this place is full of grammatically correct drivel.
  3. Too early to say as we're only 10 or 20% down the road with this virus, we don't even know what % of the afflicted in each country are actually allowed access to ICU and ventilators, certainly looks like certain regions in UK have screened to avoid ICU being overrun, I've no doubt, our ICU would have been totally overrun in most areas if our lockdown had been delayed a fortnight, no amount of screening would have prevented that IMO. There's no point in anyone comparing Sweden to their neighbours at the moment,that's just failing to appreciate what Sweden' strategy is, if a vaccine was discovered and rolled out in the next few months then their approach would look poor, they might be sitting with a similar or lower death rate per head in 18 months time with more of a normal life lived over that time,we certainly can't live like we are for another 12/18 months.
  4. Agree that immunity is not certain but the numbers don't stack up too ridiculously, it would depend on who they're testing as to how far off ridiculous they are.
  5. This is very interesting. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/22/no-lockdown-in-sweden-but-stockholm-could-see-herd-immunity-in-weeks.html
  6. I've had an underlying health issue for 17 years, haven't had a day off sick in that spell.
  7. I've no idea how long folk would have lived but 93% having no serious comorbidity certainly doesn't fit with the narrative we've been spun over the last 5 or 6 weeks.
  8. We already know there were deaths here before March 5th,the ONS' own data carried 3 deaths onto the beginning of their tables, it's been mentioned in here on numerous occasions.
  9. It's not poor reporting, it's deliberate confusion.
  10. It's not as difficult as it's made out to be.
  11. The only surprise is how large the disparity is, they've been manipulating the figures like f**k for weeks, we've now got loads of folk itching to do as they please as it's not been as bad here compared to Italy and Spain, we're handcuffed to this shower of shite led by the great white hiding shite bag.
  12. Just imagine the carnage if we didn't have it and you lot were totally deluged, they'd be asking why the government didn't spent £430m to prevent it., some folk are fucking nutters. When this is over, make sure you correct the bawbags you come across who don't appreciate what your colleagues and yourself have witnessed.
  13. Obviously half of respondents lied like f**k, never in a million years do 38% of men wash their hands after going to the toilet.
  14. I think we'll tiptoe out of lockdown roughly where we were on the daily death count when Boris 1st announced social distancing, can't remember the infection rate around that time, we need the health professionals to have a small period of recuperation, ppe stocks and distribution chains beefed up properly, testing ramped up to a high level, contact tracing in place, then let infection rates rise to a level(higher than this one) that tests our new capacity without overpowering it, folk are just going to have to accept that we've 10's of thousands of lives to lose before we get through this. Hopefully the reality isn't as brutal as that but I'll prepare for it nonetheless, I'll certainly not be recommending any of those I know in vulnerable groups let their guard down too much.
  15. That would be just dandy, at least we seem to empathise with each others pish.
  16. I hope those figures are correct as I've a fairly good chance of already having my shot without noticing. Our government weren't interested in limiting the spread, stopping the NHS going into meltdown was their only goal, it's repeated almost everyday either here or down south.
  17. We will have 30/40k, we'll be around 20k at the moment. As for Sweden, was getting that muddled up with Stockholm who are well on their way already.
  18. It does matter, it tends to show how ill prepared we were.
  19. 6 bucks for a 6 cent swab, we look a bit amateur at this shit.
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