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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Don't eat the apples, pears and shreddies all at once, one bog roll will not cover that.
  2. The funding allocated doesn't allow us to follow the exact same path, the number of businesses per head falling into those brackets will not be the same.
  3. Wish I'd stockpiled weetabix, having to ration myself now so I don't need to buy them as often
  4. If it wasn't for retaining the perception of power this could have been explained by mere numbers earlier, they don't want to look political whilst Rishi will make every decision with politics at the forefront of those decisions.
  5. Where does our rate stand in comparison.
  6. Even if Sweden are proven to be correct in their approach, I don't think we could draw comparisons with our position, although the loudest voices would. We've had 40 years of 'look after number one' from top to bottom in the UK, far too many c***s per head of population to do similar IMO.
  7. Sweden have never hidden this fact, there attitude is, we're better just getting it all out of the way in one shot rather than closing and opening country up repeatedly, hopefully their approach is proven to be correct.
  8. We need to send everyone to care homes as their curve has flattened remarkably in a week up to 3rd April. At least we're not getting played by our government.
  9. It's actually pretty pathetic that the 5th largest economy in the world needs help from a TV soap.
  10. Did Holby City not donate their ventilators to the cause.
  11. Aren't they supposed to be picking strawberries ? Not yet.
  12. There will be businesses at different stages, if you're a small business in the middle of an expansion program this is going to blow you out of the water, every business isn't just ticking along at a constant rate, this will nail some of our strongest businesses, of that I've no doubt.
  13. Most will pile it in but it depends whereabouts their business is in the cycle.
  14. Use soapy water and stop complaining (I've still got fucking loads of the wipes though, so it's easy for me to say). Hoarding barsteward. Not a single one left.
  15. Tbf, Albert is away giving them a good seeing to before unveiling his pics, 5 hours isn't long when you're enjoying yourself.
  16. This shit will instill differing levels of fear/concern/risk in everyone, I'll certainly not be jumping all over people at either end of the scale.
  17. There's no doubt he'll have received extra attention but his actual treatment would have been the same. I'd find it strange if the leader of any country didn't get fussed over a bit.
  18. He's speaking remarkably well, must have put him at an open window.
  19. As of 27th March, there were 642 more deaths registered than reported, that's why I've said England could be at 15000 after today, of course the rate of registered to reported could have closed considerably over the last 15 days, who knows.
  20. It's easy for me to say as I'd be in for 12 weeks under both regimes.
  21. I've already posted about that more than once, the journalists must have been on the bevvy all week.
  22. Keep doing what you're doing, at least you're searching for the truth, I'm fed up listening to people on the box bullshitting folk whilst taking the Kings shilling.
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