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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Misplaced or not, I'd like a shot at living under a trusted government.
  2. They are being recorded and tabulated in England, everytime I mention it some take it as me hoping for high numbers of deaths.
  3. It may well but at least they've trusted their government to do what they think is best for the country as a whole, we know ours are coming from the angle of looking after them and theirs.
  4. It definitely is, it will be interesting to see how they deal with the scrutiny which should come when we're sitting at 30,000 or 40,000 and Germany are at a fraction, how many normal people will realise that they've basically decided that the lives of their loved ones was a price worth paying, I salute Sweden' approach even if it fails, at least their government have built up a trust with their population that we can only dream of.
  5. Won't disagree with the overall sentiment but we could have prepared far far better early doors in this pandemic, we were being forewarned by what was unfolding in China then latterly in Italy, I don't even think we bought ourselves a day in comparison to Italy with 3 weeks notice. On a more positive note, in relation to lockdown days, Italy had their highest daily death total Friday and Spain had theirs yesterday, here's hoping.
  6. They'll need to factor in how many bawbags would have stuck to the rules this weekend if they'd surged the death figures with non hospital deaths like France managed last week.
  7. Difference in lockdown date will dwarf the rest but as I've posted previously, they couldn't care if the death toll hits 20k,30k,40k so long as the NHS doesn't get swamped a % of said large numbers of NHS staff dying is just viewed as collateral damage I'm afraid, how brave must those poor buggers going over the top in the wars.
  8. I'd prefer it if it affected some of the minority that don't appear to give a f**k, at least that might save the lives of a few that do give a f**k.
  9. They have more people recovered than they do live cases.
  10. I'm not suggesting the Bairnardos of this world don't breath a bit easier after having it, I'm just advising to keep taking precautions rather than going about their day with a billybigbaws attitude until more data becomes available , better safe than sorry.
  11. Yes he really did, these fuckers are crumbling, now we need superbojo to finally turn up and take the credit for grabbing the tiller in the nick of time.
  12. Obviously but we are a collective whether you like it or not, I'll say what I've said previously on P&B, it's time that the younger generations got off their arses at election times to divert the narrative away from old folk that are quite naturally more conservative as they get older.
  13. That top one doesn't deserve any protection.
  14. We voted to be part of this shit show 6 years ago.
  15. The cow basically said that NHS workers should have expected a shortage of PPE in a pandemic, have we voted in Laurel, Hardy, Abbot & Costello.
  16. Why did Patel say they were working with manufacturers, these fuckers have been saying for weeks now that they have enough and distribution was the problem. FTR, I'm a fat bawbag and I'm sure I could get that PPE out far far quicker than this shower.
  17. Cut off in her prime, is that a 1st for the UK presser.
  18. I've never really listened to her before but I really can't stand Patel already. She's only there because 5live were asking where all the women were, with particular emphasis on her absence.
  19. SAGE SAGE SAGE, scientific advice scientific advice scientific advice, rinse and repeat. We'll not need to worry about who they think they're blaming for this debacle when it's all over.
  20. Hopefully it encourages lots more of our youngsters to view a career in science as a worthwhile option.
  21. I'm hoping for the opposite but I don't see anything different in us that means we're not going to follow the same curves as the rest. I'd rather call it as I see it than go down the underplaying route our media are currently taking.
  22. Just new cases and deaths being low over last 2 days, it's Easter weekend, so figures won't be reliable until middle of next week.
  23. Might just be a wee chink of light from Stockholm.
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