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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I've already had my 1st, 3 weeks after my next one and I'll be haranguing Nicola to allow the vaccinated mob into pubs etc.
  2. I'm gutted, it'll save your finger getting chafed.
  3. Yesterday has maybe handed Nicola a wee unexpected positive if there's a wee uptick in a few weeks, far easier than having an adult conversation.
  4. It's certainly shown me how to deal with situations, maybe McDonald's should send all their graduates on courses to avoid them crumbling.
  5. I'll be handy for mopping up the tears n snotters.
  6. Folk that don't fire them about like confetti are far more likely to be the calmer less fragile ones IMHO.
  7. You obviously didn't, too busy handing out your important dots with all the other fragile ones.
  8. They certainly wouldn't waste their time inviting me, I'm not into parties of randoms.
  9. Any increase is more likely to come from the 95%+ that attended house parties over the weekend.
  10. I'm not really that bothered about Killie getting relegated, I'd far rather see us both in the top league. Do we know how many Saints fans received penalties a few weeks back? As for the rest, I really only bother about my own situation, it's not ideal but can't really say I'm even slightly perturbed by how it's all playing out from my point of view.
  11. I was daft enough to think I was getting to 55 1st.
  12. It was a phone call received just previous to me posting about it.
  13. Unlike yourself with your wee Bonnie Langford impressions, I don't need attention. Those two obviously weren't amongst the "fittest".
  14. Have now heard of two deaths of persons having had their 1st jag, not quite 100% against the vaccine.
  15. Can we not start again with a new list of prospective managers.
  16. We'll surely find out in 4 or 5 weeks time how much impact 1st and 2nd vaccines have on transmission rates, hospital/ICU admissions and deaths after the weekends inadvertent wee case study opportunity. Might be worth a few extra weeks just to see what answers it throws up.
  17. I'm not a fan of his but there are far poorer contenders to be worried about IMHO, maybe a wee 18 month slingshot into serious contention for the big league.
  18. Yes, he seems to do well at clubs in meltdown, Falkirk were the same when he took a side full of kids to Hampden.
  19. Not true, it wasn't all bad at Coventry under the circumstances.
  20. I've not said anything about poor employers, quite a few of them will be celebrating as well.
  21. How can it be a joyous occasion if they're not allowed to mix inside or outside, meanwhile in the real world hundreds of employers are dealing with absences this morning and looking forward to further no shows for the rest of the week.
  22. Done OK for Falkirk and Coventry for a spell.
  23. I'm surprised at the amount of seethe on here from some that have done nowt but moan about restrictions for 12 months, BJK excepted.
  24. It was clarified that UK would pay pensions.
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