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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Most on here can only dream of being near a superspreader.
  2. Keep telling yourself that, the ones thinking an 8" is just smaller than a 12" are definitely the ones to side with.
  3. It wasn't a position, I was pointing out an error,not my fault that folk mistakenly jump in.
  4. All done in the 1st 5 minutes, the rest was just entertainment.
  5. I thought it would be hilarious with Anas in charge but fair fucks to the guy, he appears to have leårned from previous mistakes, probably deserves 2nd as the Tories aren't even hiding the fact that they've nothing to offer Scotland.
  6. No, I spent 5 minutes posting last night and allowed those that wished to make a cod of themselves.
  7. You all post like every overweight person is gorging all day, a couple of large Costa latte' added during your work day will expand the waistband of an active healthy eater fairly quickly if they don't cut calories elsewhere or up their activity, 37lbs worth of calories over year.
  8. Pizza is well down my list of preferred junk food. No doubt you'll buy 2 fully loaded 8 inchers for £12 as it's a bargain compared to that 12 incher at a tenner.
  9. Says the person that orders his pizza in square inches.
  10. It's quite obvious to any observer reading all these post that you made a c**t of it, my figures were chosen to take away the wiggle room that the P&B's like yourself would try to use. Wasn't me that said someone eating only shite couldn't lose weight eating less shite, now you're trying to claim some sort of arithmetical upper hand when you made a James Hunt of it.
  11. Easier to calculate without pi in this instance.
  12. I can do mental arithmetic, I don't need anyone to show their workings, embarrassing.
  13. I had it when I posted it, ain't going to make people look foolish if I'd put it up in that manner last night. Thanks for playing, it was fun.
  14. Someone with a BMR of 2100 eats 2500 calories a day, after a year in which they've put on 3 stone they decide to cut out the daily 1800 calorie12" pepperoni pizza and replace it with an 800 calorie 8" pepperoni pizza, will that person lose weight on their new calorie deficient diet?
  15. Not quite what was said but they'll certainly lose plenty if they had a 600 calorie deficit. Next folk on here will be saying you can't put on weight if you only eat healthy foods.
  16. I thought Radio Scotland said the opposite but I was driving rather than taking any real interest.
  17. It would have been better if you'd just told them they were wrong, that would have been the decent thing to do.
  18. It's not petty in the slightest, just part of the long game for them.
  19. Just slightly smaller, pi on a pizza. 4/9ths, not obvious if you use a calculator.
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