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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Not quite but if the polls ever look really bad for BoJo then Sunak will be wheeled out to turn the tide.
  2. I think Sunak would walk a GE if he was ever Tory leader.
  3. No, we got far more Tory, Labour and Lib Dems.
  4. I think the only thing that could squeeze out a s30 is having 80+ msps, to deliver that the SNP would need to give up their list seats to someone, they'd rather have 60 of their own with no other Indy seats than 59 of their own and 25 other Indy seats.
  5. As I've said previously, indyref2 is over for a while, this will be the last Indy led parliament for a long while. I'm hoping I'm wrong but pretty confident I'm not. When she's told to bolt Nicola bolts.
  6. That might be a good tactic to avoid getting a majority.
  7. I'm not convinced about Ayr, most people I know are no longer fans of Nicola, while acknowledging that she's better than the rest.
  8. There are some amount glasshouses getting stoned on here today. Whilst some of the Tory policies are indeed reprehensible, so are the consequences of Nicola's vote buying decisions, just that folk can't see the wood for the trees, there's barely a worthwhile option on the ballot papers in a few weeks.
  9. I do know crosshouse were down to 20 nearly a fortnight ago and seemingly ICU was actually a better destination for you when hospital numbers were at their highest.
  10. Think you'll find a few have left to get away from the wronguns and their doings.
  11. Could probably do with some of the £600k that the SNP have squirreled away for the indyref2 campaign.
  12. This thread is expanding at an incredible rate.
  13. Don't think they're as good nowadays.
  14. I'd agree with that if it all stacks up as worthwhile in your particular area, I'll be trying as hard as I can to give my 2nd vote to whomever I think will benefit from it.
  15. I think he might mean when she sought the candidacy after losing. She wasn't reselected. You might be correct but she didn't fail to be reselected until later. She's one of those people in life that you'd refer to as a 'chocolate fireguard' or 'motorbike ashtray'.
  16. She wasn't binned, she lost an election due to being a shite representative of her constituency.
  17. Hope the expenses budget is vast if Corri is jumping on board ! I'm hoping they don't ask her to do too much.
  18. SNP SNP across the board is a nonsense whilst their constituency vote % is so high, that claptrap is for the hard of thought. I'm only giving them my 1st vote in hope with next to no expectation attached.
  19. And will be very wasteful if they increase their constituency vote share.
  20. Yes she was, there will be nobody left to push back against the extremities of the trans debate, this will be our last shot at this for a long while.
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