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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I like many others won't be giving them any votes If they aren't shouting about independence during this campaign, that's the only reason a fair chunk are giving them votes, they really aren't all that, they're just fortunate that the opposition are a pathetic bunch of losers.
  2. Obviously, the SNP always think YES is all about them,didn't work the last time and it won't work this time. I'd far rather see the Unionists with 20 or 30 seats less so it isn't almost always 3 NO opinions to 1 YES opinion. The 'we want all the power' attitude would be fine if they were actually doing a super job, they aren't and a wee scratch below the surface will highlight some of the nonsense views they'd rather fight about amongst themselves.
  3. You have to wonder why the SNP would rather get a few paltry seats on the list rather than encourage everyone to pile in to someone else to dilute the Unionist numbers.
  4. Surely this will be their last pop at it, there's only so long that you can vote in such a cultish party.
  5. Our measures aren't remotely similar to Wuhans.
  6. If they make too much of his past they'll lose votes themselves, there are plenty I know that can't stand Sturgeon and are only lending her their Indy vote.
  7. Dross is hardly in a position to comment after his shenanigans.
  8. Once you improve your reading and comprehension you'll have skin in the game.
  9. We'll see, I'm not the one kidding myself on that we're marching to independence.
  10. Keep telling yourself that Nicola will take us to independence, that ship has sailed.
  11. There's nothing happened today that will mean I can vote for the SNP without holding my nose. Nicola will be hoping this takes enough votes away to stop an independence majority. We'll have to hope there's some highly talented teenager coming through to take us to the next level.
  12. Hopefully the SNP are very vocal on GRA issues during this election campaign.
  13. All down to the fact that the SNP might return us indeyref2 sometime in 2020.2021,2022, 2023, 2024 or some other date after an election that requires a majority of seats. Can't see it anytime under this lot if I'm being honest, talent is very very thin on the ground behind Sturgeon.
  14. And if that's how he feels then good on him, if I had a wee cabal trying to stitch me up I wouldn't let it lie either.
  15. There's about 20% of people don't have a bank account, I'd be surprised if there's not a similar or larger % without a smartphone.
  16. More lalalalala nonsense to evidence that everyone had access to if they chose to read it. Not only was one not where she said she was, she sent a fucking stand-in to take her place.
  17. And you know this how ? Plus if it's common knowledge an accuser lied under oath when can we expect the perjury charges ? She'll be fine as she appears to be on the right side.
  18. That's fine, he deserved it.
  19. Not what I said. As above. I only replied to your post, I wasn't using your post as a starting point. Not even remotely what I'm about. There was at least one person who lied, they should have no right to anonymity IMHO,Senga from the scheme would be splattered all over the red tops if she did similar. There are loads of women with stronger cases who've never got near a courtroom in this country, instead our system has left them feeling disbelieved and abused for a 2nd time.
  20. I don't know how I'd deal with folk making false accusations of this nature about me, I certainly wouldn't be impressed with their anonymity remaining intact. The fact that he's a sleazeball doesn't in my opinion grant anyone a free hit at fitting him up, it certainly hasn't helped the 1000's of women out there that are subjected to serious sexual assaults.
  21. Fine, 10% swing towards English independence and them standing on their two feet. Happy days! Probably our best chance of independence as I don't see anything up here getting us over the line.
  22. I pretty much agree with the last person. Thought the £500 was nonsense and this isn't any better.
  23. I alluded to it at the time. Exactly but we need to steal it from a finite pot(unless we stupidly use our borrowing power) the Tory party don't. We're continually using cash that should be going somewhere else to gain popularity. Even Big Jock knew.
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