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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. When he ends up in your ward he'll be as mad as a hatter,he won't give a shit as long as the TV is on in the corner and he gets his grub before you. If you hold any position with a semblance of dependency involved I'd like to think your employers know you're a fcuking rocket.
  2. Ach,I'm quite looking forward to a season watching a team with a fair few kids on display attempting to play attacking football, I'll be back up for few pies and a hike up that b*****d of a hill(it will kill me one of these times) soon enough.
  3. You're welcome. Been working since 9 this morning and this rocket ruins any chance of a wee bit of relaxation time.
  4. I think managing to breath is an achievement for yourself. I might be the odd one out on here, but, I don't view keeping a kid under wraps 'til 11 as either normal or healthy.
  5. Click on signed in as p&b is a disgrace in the top left and scroll down to manage ignored users.
  6. I hate auxiliaries passing themselves off as nurses, a bit like wee cock big car syndrome.
  7. There's an ignore function, will not do much good unless everyone stops quoting her.
  8. I don't really give a shit whether it's an alias or not, I'd ban the fcuking IP Address.
  9. Wish there was a possibility, they'll most likely be told not to replicate the mistakes of their predecessor instead. At least I'll not be around to see the 53 and counting banners again. The 53 and dead or 0 and counting banners will be worth waiting for.
  10. After reading some of the shite posted by the supposed nurse(heaven help us, we're doomed) Teebear, I've made a total 180 degree shift in my thinking. No fcuking way do I want to mingle with shite like that at the football, fcuk the gloating, f**k the sporting integrity, the SPL are welcome to that shower and all that comes with them.
  11. ]I'm looking for sanctions that might happen, your sanction is the thing dreams are made of, unfortunately dreams don't come true very often for such a large group of people at the same time.
  12. It's time for fans of the other SPL clubs to stand up and be counted, Scottish football needs YOU. Every last one of you should be texting/phoning/visiting/socialnetworking everyone you know encouraging them to contact their club to insist Rangers start at the bottom. DONT sit on your arse bumping your gums, this is the ONLY chance you'll get to influence a positive change in Scottish football. 'MON ALL YOU DIDDIES, GET OUT THERE AND TRY TO GET THIS SHOWER OF CHEATING b*****dS PUNTED TO THE 3RD DIVISION.
  13. My friend and co are just waiting for Green to run away so they can save Rangers(wonder where they'll place the chapel).
  14. It's going to be a straight choice for the Gers fans, a bunch of rogues attached to Whyte or a bunch of celtic-minded saviours.
  15. Wish a legal eagle could suggest whether Rangers are behind the 8 ball on this appeal issue, who's holding the aces in this situation? Is it scots law re articles of association or law of land re right to appeal to the courts. I was off the opinion that Scots law would only be usurped if it were regarded to be unfair/discriminatory etc, how can it be unfair when Rangers along with others have created it?
  16. I'm starting to worry about you, that's twice in a month you've been sharp in reply, are you in cold turkey?
  17. A part season suspension sounds like the sort of cunning plan the halfwit contingent on here would dream up. We'll be getting pictures of Itzdark entering Slaters shortly.
  18. They must be wrong, HJ's always telling us we would need 1000's and 1000's of new fans to make up for all sorts of lost revenue. Are there really folk suggesting that the SPL chairmen have managed to find a pair, I'll keep putting my eggs in the SFA/UEFA basket.
  19. The scoreboards at Ibrox are working and look at the state of their finances.
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