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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Renting Ibrox back to a newco will cover all £5.5m, someone can then take a punt on Murray Park or simply use as is. A newco will be paying 7 figures a year to rent it. Do the maths Rangers will be renting at the end of this, the only party that won't be renting it back are the BK's. The only model to guarantee a profit out of Scottish football.
  2. Aye, and you can get professional opinions that suit your agenda, happens every day.
  3. Because folk on the make don't give a shit about right and wrong, a wee wedge usually silences wagging tongues.
  4. 300/400 building plots in Milngavie for £4m, not bad. Wish I was in on it.
  5. Why are the assets valued at under £5M in liquidation? Shells and pea spring to mind.
  6. Nearly bang on. Who the fcuk are SEVCO? Not so Green's company I take it, £5.5m if not through CVA.
  7. FFS, Dumb n Dumber charge like the Gordon Highlanders. £3.9m for twiddling your thumbs and humming and hawwing.
  8. That's been my thought from day 1, those in the know never ever talk about it though, I'm assuming I might be wrong. When Livi failed to fulfill a fixture I went out on a limb and stated they were in the right, in this case, I'm not convinced that the powers that be aren't going to get the 10 litre bottle of Tip-pex out.
  9. It will be around £3.2m, how the fcuk you work when you're sleeping I don't know.
  10. Just tell Sky and Co to fcuk off then. Your club have been cheating on an industrial scale, 3rd division should be the best your shower of conmen can expect, just a pity the SPL couldn't produce a pair of balls between the lot of them
  11. How many p's in the £ is the CVA? Have Rangers managed to hang themselves with their own petard yet? How much will they be paying to rent Ibrox? Have the SPL announced another deferrment yet?
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