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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Perhaps you'll be lucky enough to feel what a proper local rivalry is next season.
  2. And don't forget (if/when you're still up there in 2 months time and the excitements so high you can feel it as soon as you enter the ground) as soon as you're team let in a goal you must start singing and urging your team on, you're players will feel 10 feet tall with that sort of backing and it also the drowns out the moaning cnuts every team has.
  3. WHEESHT about all the top of the league and promotion pish, just get all your stayaways and no bus fare bigot sisters telt to get their arses along and support your team, and if you've a young neice/nephew, brother/sister get them dragged along as it's the good seasons that breed the diehards of the future.
  4. I won as much as my talent entitled me to, my inability to reach telly level meant the darts had to go, I'd have went the 20's route, but then I preffered 10's, 10 years ago I'd have been sayng he was stupid, now I just think it keeps darts fresh and exciting.
  5. Personally I prefer the approach of some of the youngsters, nobody has a clue what way they're going to go, nobody ever went against the %'s 25-30 years ago unless they were a bad counter, todays game is almost a different game and better for it. Deller would have done anything to get on tops the year he burst on to the scene with his springloadeds.
  6. That's how darts used to be, bloody boring compared to nowadays, Taylor wouldn't be half the player he is if he played the %'s all his career, plenty of players prefer certain doubles and go whatever way gets them on those doubles. Spent more hours pounding a dart board than you can imagine.
  7. If you prefer 16's you go Beatons route, nowt pubby about it, it shows a lack of confidence at that level if you think you'll miss a treble.
  8. Just polishing off the bottle of white I'm using for my seafood pasta dish(hopefully remember to leave some).
  9. Heard on the radio that they've recalled a guys plate that was close to bolloxs as folk had complained to the dvla.
  10. Think I may need to visit this thread more often, I'm attempting to stop smoking and lose 66lbs starting tomorrow, I reckon if I can keep my discipline it'll take me 11 or 12 months of hard graft to get where I want to. I'll be starting with a 20 minute walk, circuits etc will have to wait a few months.
  11. What a shambles, a player having to lift up a lighter is just disgraceful, heading the same way as the other one if this keeps up, at least Lewis only got coins and lighters, Bristow got full cans bouncing off the board. Last nights game says nothing about either players game last night.
  12. Might be wrong, but Alan Evans held the record for 1001, don't know how many darts though.
  13. I've watched every BDO final and it inspired me to pick up darts all those years ago, sadly it's stuck in a time warp. Perhaps Scottish football should take a look at darts to see the contrast between stuffy blazer change is bad types and the we'll take a chance and start from scratch brigade, I know which one I'd pay top dollar to watch.
  14. Thank god for that, the BDO IMHO is only a breeding ground for new talent these days, anyone that stays too long will only stifle their own progress.
  15. Adams used to score like a PDC player then his bottle would crash, nowadays so many have switched that it's left the BDO in a terrible state compared to the PDC, I think the runner up could improve if he switched but like Chisnall he'll probably hang around being a bigger player in a tiny pond.
  16. It's like someone winning SFL 1 three times in a row, history books will show that there was a breakaway.
  17. I'm not sure whether that's Dean's maw or 2 Jags in a frock.
  18. " What do you mean? You don't like sprouts," **slap**
  19. Think Deano's maw will hammer him if he throws this title away. Would you take a broken pay packet home to her?
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