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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Both up and down like yo-yos in that match.
  2. I'm surprised at Walsh, I thought it was going to finish 10-7 to Dudbridge 'til Walsh found his composure.
  3. Is Walsh's bottle crashing?
  4. I'd assume it won't be ridiculous to them.
  5. What a fantastic comeback, even more so as mentally he was crucifying himself constantly.
  6. Glad he was finishing poorly, it's made it an exciting match.
  7. Apart from finishing he's playing no better than Painter, but then I could finish as good as Painter tonight.
  8. The way Painter's throwing for doubles you'd think he had £30k on Lloyd.
  9. My predictions for what they're worth. Lloyd 8v10 Painter Walsh 7v10 Dudbridge Taylor 10v2 Bates Nicholson 8v10 Beaton
  10. Most compulsive gamblers will answer YES to at least SEVEN of these questions: 1. Do you lose time from work due to gambling? 2. Is gambling making your home life unhappy? 3. Is gambling affecting your reputation? 4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? 5. Do you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or to otherwise solve financial difficulties? 6. Does gambling cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency? 7. After losing, do you feel you must return as soon as possible and win back your losses. 8. After a win do you have a strong urge to return and win more? 9. Do you often gamble until your last pound is gone? 10. Do you ever borrow to finance your gambling? 11. Have you ever sold anything to finance gambling? 12. Are you reluctant to use gambling money for normal expenditures? 13. Does gambling make you careless of the welfare of your family? 14. Do you gamble longer than you planned? 15. Do you ever gamble to escape worry or trouble? 16. Have you ever committed, or considered committing, an illegal act to finance gambling? 17. Does gambling cause you to have difficulty in sleeping? 18. Do arguments, disappointments, or frustrations create an urge within you to gamble? 19. Do you have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours gambling? 20. Have you ever considered self-destruction as a result of your gambling? In my experience if you do numbers 9 and 14 on a regular basis you're a compulsive gambler, if anyone has a problem don't wait 'til you start selling your soul, get help b4 you reach that stage.
  11. Surprised there are still those getting entertainment or stimulation out of Livi and their fans, all the best for this season and just ignore the bawbags, they obviously lead a very sad and lonely existence, no doubt they'll be on explaining how exciting their lives are and that they aren't on here for some sort of positive affirmation due to being socially and sexually inept.
  12. Lanning won £12k on the 1st 9-darter, probably thinking WHAT IF I'D WENT FOR 2 9-DARTERS, I'M AN IDIOT I COULD HAVE CLEANED THE BOOKIES OUT..
  13. The Power played some amazing darts, when have you ever heard a player getting booed for missing a 9-darter, he got booed twice FFS, it was ludicrously magical, we'll still laud some glorious failure. 2 x 9-darters, 1 x 10-darter 2 x 11 darters in 18 legs of darts and he only wins 10-8. I wish there was another player of a similar standard to see just what The Power is capable of.
  14. Oh well he's got an extra chance. Federer will not go downhill sufficiently in the next 2 years, I've no doubt some young upstarts will appear on the scene just in time for Fed retiring.
  15. So he'll be winning it b4 grand slam 27. What has the era got to do with it, and surely the higher the quality the less likely he'll win his 1st later in his career.
  16. Check the records. As above, how many win their 1st slam over 24 in the men's game, then add into the mix that he's been on the scene since his teens. Federer had him in his pocket today, I witnessed nowt that suggests he's going anywhere in the next few years, Murray will need to hope someone else takes him out b4 the final, Murray's best game will never be near Fed's level of play in a slam final.
  17. The boy can get his fitness to whatever level he wants, it won't make a difference if he doesn't work on the mental side of his game at the crucial points in the game, Fed was 2 or 3 levels above him at the crucial points. Get a coach in to learn how to avoid negative tennis at those vital times, 7 slams to go for him b4 it's too late to win his 1st.
  18. Murray attacking on the correct points, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6, 6-4. Murray hoping for slip-ups, 4-6, 3-6, 1-6.
  19. This is Murrays time, pick the correct times to inject pace or come to the net and the monkey will be leaving his back.
  20. I guess Livi getting off without punishment means all those intelligent windbags were wrong after all. No wonder Googles share price is dropping like a stone.
  21. No, it'd be too easy and rather incriminating.
  22. As opposed to who's unreliable one at the moment.
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