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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. They will make them if they send it back to the SFL. After 8 1/2 hours I'd be surprised if Livi are losing their appeal in its entirety.
  2. It's like watching SFL 2 standard teams playing in the Champions League,just shows why the guys broke away from the blazers all those years ago. The final being played on a Sunday is apt as it's like a church at collection time.
  3. I'm sure, if Livi can do things correctly over time, then like other teams who engage with their local community, they will develop a fanbase relative to the size of their town ie.below top 6 and above div 2. That may take 10 or 20 years of doing things properly,but unless you're saying the residents of Livi are different from all other towns in Scotland,then it is feasable and in fact inevitable.
  4. Of course,14 years is not long,plenty of Livi residents of 25+ would already have a team that they supported 14 years ago,my clubs hard core of fans have went for 20-40 years.
  5. It only shows that they have not been going long enough to develop a true deep seated relationship in the hearts of the Livingston residents,yet.
  6. I take it from that article that I did see correctly on teletext that Livi were no longer in administration.
  7. The fans of my club have raised nowt in the last 5 years,could we raise enough to buyout the board at present? I'm sure we could if we really wanted to.
  8. You can drop the word new and replace Livi with a host of other club names and that statement will be a probability. Following this saga I can see why the Livi fans have constantly come under the stewardship of chancers,At the point my club was facing oblivion I'd be hoping for ANYONE to step in and save my club with there past being an irrelevance at that point in time,only later when you can't do anything about it do you consider other factors pertaining to your saviour,then perhaps you realise that their aims for your club are different from yours. Doesn't make the fans bad,blinkered or any other one of the various tags pinned to them IMHO. If my club was going down the pan I'd accept the grim reaper as long as it keeps my club going for a little longer,after all if you're alive you've got a chance,if you're dead you're dead. Perhaps the Livi fans could try raising a fighting fund in case the Livi 5 put their club in a bad place again.
  9. You have given out at every opportunity,think that's for another thread though.
  10. Is that Livi or quite a few others you're talking about there?
  11. You may well be correct,I'm sure if Livi are unsuccessful our football authorities will be laid bare by Livi 5 and regardless of the outcome for Livi the greater good of our game maybe taken care of.
  12. Nowt there that surprises me,athough it must be shock to a lot of the main anti-Livi contributors on here,but,if you close your eyes and ears you'll obviously have a slightly different opinion from people not filled with hate. Play with fire and you'll almost certainly get burned.
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