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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Were you there? Is 7 days a realistic timeframe in todays financial climate? Have any other clubs close to administration been asked to post a bond? My own club were reportedly close last season,were any assurances asked of Ayr United?
  2. You keep stating this pish and it doesn't change the fact that your reading of this situation is wrong,while the rules are laid out in a fashion that appears to allow them to do as they like that doesn't mean they can do as they like,any set of rules and how they are used must come within the law of the land,if a decision appeared to be made excessively harsh due to giving Livi a kicking for vindictive reasons it could contravene certain Business Law. And your they agreed to them retort is pish also,they still have to work within the law of the land. Civic Government Scotland Act gives LA's autonomy to do as they like in the area of taxis,doesn't actually mean they can do as they like.
  3. Not supposed to be crystal clear,you can't accommodate self-interest in clearly set out rules & punishments.
  4. Lots of clubs need to find that ingredient my own included,SFL teams need EVERYONE to pull together to make a club successful,not all boards realise this and continually pay lip service to their main source of income.
  5. Don't think they had to give reasons in writing last week,at least that's what I took from what he said.
  6. McDougall stated on footloose that as the reasons for appeal had to be lodged with the SFA in writing,24 hours wasn't long enough,that is why Livi are playing tomorrows game.
  7. McDougall has stated that he has not got a problem with a demotion to the 3rd division,he has got a problem with the processes used to reach that decision. As he's not prone to being a daftie I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  8. Of course I'm not,I was referring solely about the fans.
  9. Coz it's their baw an they can dae whit they want,that's his next answer. Another of his assertions that is bollocks in the real world,where even making someone sign a set of rules doesn't make those rules legally binding.
  10. There's nothing in Scottish football that surprises me anymore,unfortunately.
  11. Unfortunately, regardless of which tangent we choose, your club are going to get the boot stuck into them.
  12. 76.3 Any club aggrieved by a decision of the Management Committee.shall have power,within 10 days from the date of decision,to appeal to a Special General Meeting of the League on payment of a deposit of £500.00 which shall be forfeited in the event of the appeal being dismissed. Taken out the parts not pertaining to this situation. If the appeal doesn't start until the meeting starts,why did the SFL ask Livi to put in their appeal as early as possible and not take the FULL 10 DAYS,by SCMs' reckoning if Livi had waited the full 240 hours then it would have been impossible to have an SGM at 1 seconds notice,you're interpretation is crap and the SFLs' whole approach is not based on this point. Heaven help us if that was what their approach was based on,p1 kids could put up arguments to destroy that course of reasoning.
  13. You are wrong as it states that a club has 10 days to appeal not 10 days to get the paperwork and cash in,how many times b4 you see the error of your interpretation?
  14. And what part of a process don't you understand,to suggest it just refers to the actual act of appealing is absurd,perhaps due to the absurdity of our footballing authorities they may well agree with you.
  15. I can just see the SFLs' QC standing up in front of Lord Fcukwit of Reasondom and stating that the process of paying £500 and required paperwork is not included in the word appeal,if that's the stance the SFL will just have to hope His Lordship has had a hearty breakfast and a few ports. If it's not part of the process then I'd assume a phone call asking to convene a SGM would suffice.
  16. 50 pages of you spouting the same misguided pish makes me feel you deserve it.
  17. There are a few reasons why they could be playing this week. 1. The matter is now out of the SFLs' hands where self-interest after 5 or 6 weeks would dictate that Livi couldn't win regardless of who is correct. 2.Perhaps they've decided to play as they intend to take this process the full distance. 3.If above,they'd be ou of the game regardless of outcome if this dragged on for 5 or 6 months. They're are others but as with above they're only conjecture,unlike SCM who appears to know the ins n outs better than SFL/MCGruther/Livi 5 etc. I'm just glad my approach would be similar regardless of club involved even Ayr United. I'll be interested to read SCMs' posts if the cash dries up and Dundee FC are shafted,of course he would still post as above as he is 100% correct.
  18. I don't think McDougall is as misguided as some on here seem to think,his track record points to someone who knows how to run a club responsibly with their best interests at heart,I'd assume that if he continues down this road that he has good reason to,or perhaps he's just lost his marbles.
  19. I'm after a clearout on Scottish football in general,we are a shambles of a football playing nation from top to bottom,clubs in similar positions have received wildly varying treatment(some with no punishment) and still we are governed by the same fcukwits with much the same structure and regulation. If some imaginary company came in and sponsored the SFL for a significantly higher amount than the SPL telly deal the SPL clubs would want to rejoin and have SFL 1,2,3 and 4,everything appears to be run or changed solely for financial reasons nothing else,we can't as a nation even produce players that can control a ball or pass more than 10 yards without missing their intended target. Our priorities are all wrong.
  20. Think you'll find Donny was at Albion b4 his shares in Dumbarton were sold.
  21. Probably just fed up listening to the wnakers moaning about them not turning up. Hope the SFL are correct as it will be cash compen they're seeking if they start playing games.
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