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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. His raspberrys will be in tatters if he's sledging without snow.
  2. I fancy you'll hear that phrase regularly in the future.
  3. It's called helping your fellow man, stop thinking of yourself and you'll feel a lot better about yourself.
  4. And mixing it with whin sand to make it go further.
  5. IMHO people shouldn't travel unless they have to, my job dictates that I have to work to help the silly ones get home, if I worked for a company I'd stay at home, dead heros are dead simple as that.
  6. I don't think the lack of attendees will be down softness, an easy opportunity for a day off would seem to be the most likely reason.
  7. Steven's not been able to get his car out for 2 days. A nice 4x4 driver was towing cars up a hill in Mauchline yesterday to help people out. I'm wondering if my Council Tax covers grittars or grit for Tar-b, I've not seen a thing up here, it's like a time warp compared to Ayr.
  8. Ayr was fine, the surrounding villages were fair to hellish, went home when the temperature dropped, 2 degrees of a difference at the top of the hill at Templehouse to the bottom on the road to Tar-b. Fortunately I didn't need to go near Killie or that stretch of the A77, treacherous conditions at times last night. Everyone should remember, It's better to be 20 minutes late in this life than 20 years early in the next life.
  9. Just watching a clown across the road trying to move his car at about 4000 revs in 1st gear, hope he doesn't get out if that's the standard of his driving, my streets like driving on pack ice but you can drive if you know what you're doing.
  10. It's fair enough having reservations,especially with regard to Rankine,when you're on life support you'll rightly try anything to survive,unfortunately that usually involves risking the unknown.
  11. I hope it's MCL. It would confuse the fcuk out of everyone.
  12. I think a yes or no to Livi_lad would have been sufficient.
  13. Is the Livi_lad one his? If not,what's the confirmation for,I would have thought those things were private.
  14. Don't know if they can change terms once agreed in Scotland,they may get a dispensation that allows them to differ from other creditors in Scotland though. And good to see fans and clubs chipping in to help Accrington.
  15. £20K set aside out of £60k,might be some juggling going on. Perhaps Accrington owed another Football League club cash and as they must pay it in full HMRC asked for parity. Perhaps I've got too much time on my hands.
  16. Might be way off here,HMRC insist on parity,could they be receiving 33 1/3% the same as preferred creditors?
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