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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Get sectioned,that's the easiest way to rid yourself of debt.
  2. I have never commented on their current wage structure,I don't see it as a prudent approach unless you think almost 100% that your appeal will succeed,even then 1st div football and full time doesn't appear prudent to me.
  3. Why in this wonderous world of fairness and do-goodery are only 10 clubs subject to the same punishment as Livi or Gretna?
  4. Think you'll find that I was answering a post stating they were in admin for the 2nd time. They will if they're relegated similar to Gretna,which was my point. Why would I get desperate,I know larger clubs demoted to the SFL would be treated differently. They may well have failed to submit a bond in time,then again those able to give the assurance perhaps weren't asked to produce it. I don't shit stir on matters of such importance to Scottish football,what was the other part.
  5. Don't know where you get me not being fussed about my team,I was gutted coming up the road on Saturday,but do you know what, when I got off the bus and went to my work, more pressing things took over my mind like earning enough to pay my bills and feed my family. If I got a phone call telling me one of my family were poorly just b4 a game,do you really think I would be attending the football. Got a phone call in the middle of a game last season regarding a beareavment,to this day I don't know the score,I left immediately as it didn't matter.
  6. I thought Gretna were in the SPL and finished bottom,like Hearts could find themselves,then it'll be 3rd div for them then,all the 2nd div teams will be throwing games to get relegated if that scenario appears on the horizon.
  7. I am certainly not,nor do I aspire to be a saint. How the fcuk can an adult be terrified that their football team will be relegated? It's a game of football it doesn't pay my bills or change my life in anyway wether Ayr get fcuked every week or not. You are just desperate to stay in a higher league.
  8. Livi weren't in administration when they were demoted. If Hearts find themselves in the same situation as Gretna were in there is no way they'd be demoted to the 3rd,anyone that thinks that is ever going to happen is off their head. When Celtic many moons ago were toying with relegation for a few months the words no relegation this season were being uttered. We don't have enough biggish teams to bomb everyone down the leagues.
  9. Others Motherwell for one have done the same,the SPL thinks 10 pts is enough of a deduction for similar behaviour now.
  10. No we don't,we put rules and pre-established punishments in place so EVERY TEAM is treated equally,then we'll not get into situations similar to this one. No it doesn't,will Hearts be relegated to the 3rd when Romanov gets bored? All teams will not be treated equally. A year to get your house in order is my preferred way of dealing with it,and if 20 points is not enough then deduct as many points as is required for relegation,don't cut an already struggling clubs finances by 60%+. I'm hoping nothing of the kind,what part of I'd prefer to be competitive don't you understand. I've been consistent with this,my comments at the end of the season regarding Ayr and Airdrie have been consistent with this viewpoint.
  11. There will be nothing that others aren't doing. My team got to a cup final through overspending,Killie,Rangers,Hearts and others are where they are due to overspending,although all paying their bills at the moment,some I've no doubt will cease in the future. You've got the same forward thinking abilities as those in the halls of power. If my team are bad enough to be relegated I'd rather watch them in the division below winning and competing more often. When are you cheating? Is it during the act or is it when you get caught?
  12. Where have I wanted to absolve Livi of blame,when we relegate all the teams with financial problems down to div 3 where do we go? and where does a div 3 team go if they commit the same. It makes more sense to me deducting 20 points and placing a transfer embargo on a team,almost certain relegation without crippling an already cash strapped team.
  13. Radio Scotland mentioned Rankine having more personalities in the mire.
  14. And perhaps more names in the mix,fascinating stuff. A tad quiet on here since this all blew up.
  15. I think that was under the 1st division business plan and b4 the debt was intimated at £1.7m.
  16. My first post assumed a cva had to be agreed to come out of admin,my second stated I don't know for a fact that is the case.
  17. My life is a holiday,I don't know about Monday being a holiday. The only place I can think of reading it was ITV teletext Footbal Section but that keeps updating what it regards as news,Eduardos diving would chuck SFL news off the radar. I have no idea how you can look on teletext historically.
  18. Well why would I know there appeal is on Monday? That was defo part of the same piece. It didn't mention cva,I rightly or wrongly assumed that would have to be settled to come out of admin.
  19. No I haven't made it up,that's not my style, where I read it? I'll have to retrace my path,when I read it yesterday I wrongly assumed that everyone would know until I looked on this thread today.
  20. Livi went into administration,they are no longer in administration,obviously a cva has been agreed. Appeal to be heard on Monday.
  21. The bond needs to be done through a bank or similar,don't kid yourself if you think you need to go into interim administration,the rules state otherwise.
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