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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You're correct Ghosty,I don't believe for one minute that Mileson and some of those at Livi in the past had anything other than their clubs best interests at heart,if you're business interests are struggling or need a serious cash injection then that can only lead to desperate measures to protect your interests as a whole. Cash injections should be done via shares where your investment can go up or down,Sir Jack Hayward wrote off £50m at Wolves proving his love for the club,where would Wolves be today if instead Sir Jack had insisted on getting his cash over a set timeframe? Probably Div 2 or somewhere equally exotic at best,football clubs should not be subject to chance as when the crunch comes nobody knows how an individual investing cash in a club will react.
  2. Quite agree Ghosty especially player wages as % of turnover and soft loans. I realise and agree that Livi need hammered due the mismanagement of baton-holders,why instead of attempting to cull a club can't they set out a fixed penalty of -20 points almost ensuring relegation but giving the club time to restructure it's finances and perhaps rebuild for the future. If as seems the authorities don't want to bring in criteria to weed out the chancers then they need to introduce rules that encourage and virtually ensure good governance. I as a fan have no say in how my club is run and if a chancer is in place why should I lose my club due to others failng to control said chancers due to self-interest. Livi fans have been unfortunate that they were asked to buy into a club that has been built on shaky foundations exacerbated due to the baton being consistently passed from one chancer to another,regardless of Livis' fate over the coming weeks I hope that regulations are put in place to stop this farcical situation happening at a club near you. No club should be introduced into Scottish football with a business model like Livi had where it was unsustainable unless crowds were at a level of an SPL club or highflying 1st division club,it's not rocket science but unfortunately our shower of authority figures don't have the willpower/intelligence or open-mindedness to tackle the serious issues that blight our game.
  3. Jimbo you're wasting your time,I've posted on here until I'm blue in the face but the hatred gives the rest the power of veto. Wonder who'll change their tune when it's their club facing The Stevie Wonder Firing Squad,when they do their posts on this site will be getting rammed right up their shiteshoot.
  4. Nobody will believe you,all our games administrators are of the highest quality both legally and morally. The SFL will get away with all this shit coz Livi can't afford to take it to a higher non-vested interest court.
  5. And they don't have a say in convening the meeting,think their u-turn last night shows how confident they are,can't imagine them being able to punish Livi for a game the SFL called off officially themselves. Semantics can be used all day but I've got to go and earn a crust so I can avoid demotion to the mingers house down the street,I can assure I have no right of appeal.
  6. The £500 and relating documentation means they have appealed and upheld their requirements in convening a meeting,they don't have a say in when an SGM is held.
  7. Hopefully someone will re-post the clauses pertaining to Livi. Then if everyone reads them carefully they will be able to see that the SFL are indeed an absolute shower of useless wankers,McGruther and therefore Livi have done everything required of themselves since Wednesday so it's time to open minds and see through the hate filled haze. The SFL have fcuked it up and by forcing 4 teams to play today have went against THEIR OWN rules.
  8. The SFL are not interested in rescue packages,they've to worry about what's in the sarnies.
  9. Probably,like the rest of this sorry situation we will never be given all the facts.
  10. I'd assume McGruther knows what he's doing with regard to creditors. The intelligent open-minded person can always find ways forward when others think their's none,that's what makes the business world go round.
  11. I never said Bannatyne didn't abstain,read it properly the word prior is the important one. Who is Donny representing on this committee himself or his club?
  12. Obviously Ballantyne hid away all week and never had any input whatsoever at any point prior to the Management Committee meeting. Donny McIntyre just left Dumbarton last season so he will not know Rankine in any way shape or form,obviously unlike the rest of Albion Rovers FC he wouldn't have been offended by Livingstons utterances about visiting a shitehole last weekend and would not have taken any part in any discussions about said incident with his fellow directors.
  13. It's just so we can go over all this again next Wed to Sat.
  14. In any walk of life you don't get people with vested interests making such decisions and hearing the appeal except in dodgy organisations.
  15. Think the Well scenario is going to crop up as well,it appears that the consortium have no intention of paying wages or travelling expenses they may not need to.
  16. Mcgruther has stated that Livi will exist regardless of the appeal,but the creditors will get nowt if Livi are in the 3rd division.
  17. They get nothing if the appeal fails anyway,that's why he's made the decision he has.
  18. His analogy is crap,McGruthers' decision is correct, as the Interim manager he can't be seen to GAMBLE finances in his position as he must act in a financially prudent manner fighting for creditors money as much as is humanly possible. With the Div 3 option the creditors don't get their money,the very thing that the 9000 posts have been about,so he must try his best to get something for the creditors.
  19. Does this mean the SFL have finally had their heads surgically removed from their arses. I'm a thick cnut and I can see that forcing Livi to play today would get blown out the water in a higher court as it shows that the result of the appeal has probably been pre-determined and as such unlawful/unjust. Think I mentioned it about a dozen pages ago but the chunters on here prefer to rant n rave with their brains in neutral. Longmuir even stated b4 all this blew up that if Livi appealed their game would not go ahead,so I can only assume that some decision makers can't keep their personal dislike for Livi or consortium members out of their decision making process. Cosgrove was obviously trying to take the populace approach on Footloose earlier by ranting n raving while his arse is still planted up wee Pats arse(obviously he's read too many of the posts on here and tried to gain popularity). One of the Management Committee managed to knock back Sir David Murrays bid for Ayr,so his decision making skills are not always to be relied upon.
  20. That will be the outcome regardless of what happens over the next week or so.
  21. Why have an appeals process? It's a nonsense,diddy fans sticking up for diddy committees making diddy decisions. FWIW I think it's the final gurglings of a dying club.
  22. If it's a genuine appeal process then games involving Airdrie,Livi and Cowdenbeath should not be taking place until after the appeal. If it's a sham with the result pre-determined then why have an appeals process in the 1st place? The SFL are a joke.
  23. The irony,forcing a team who have been demoted due to insolvency to play a game (incurring more expense )that may prove to be a dead rubber,they need to boot Baldrick to fcuk and leave the decision making to those who don't have a cunning plan. Stupid Fcukwit Lardyarses.
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