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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It's always easy to slate the Livi fans but when apathy sets in it's hard to motivate the fans,I've witnessed it at my own club fairly recently,when Ayr were originally trying for planning permission 1500(more Ayr fans than attended most of the home games last season where we were unbeaten) turned up at a Council meeting in the Citadel,if that same meeting had taken place 2 seasons ago we probably wouldn't have got more than 100 or 200 fans attending. It's always easy to take the I'm all right Jack approach when things are going swimmingly,but like other clubs I've watched my team when it's one man and his dog stuff. Ayr have just came through a period of for the most part doing it the correct way, and it's fcuking soul destroying,you start to question wether you should be taking your family to the cinema or bowling instead of wasting your cash watching chancers barely breaking sweat coz that's all your club can afford,and I'm a die hard so god knows how your going to keep waiverers watching during the period of inactivity.
  2. Your post is correct,how many teams actually live within their means in Scotland? Partick tried it in the SPL and got relegated as they were one of the few doing it in the SPL at that time. The problem at Livi is that a team in the lower leagues probably couldn't afford to pay the rent and put a team on the park that could compete at the same time. My own team took a gamble that paid off last season that I wasn't entirely happy about,but what is the point of football if there is no ambition shown? The fans would just slowly drift away as you need excitement somewhere down the line. At the moment Airdries' level is Div 2 but for the 2nd season running they're being made to play in Div 1 and IMHO it is slowly killing them.
  3. Too tired to read the previous pages,but I think this decision is terrible for all SFL clubs as most are only a baw hair away from the same scenario,all this has done is sounded the death knell for another club and brought Airdrie a bit closer to theirs as well due to the apathy already at the club. I'll keep saying it,self-interest is killing our game and until it stops our game is going to continue to slide nearer the abyss. Admin,insolvency etc should have clearly defined punishments not arbitrary ones that we'll judge on each individual clubs merits,2 years time if Mad Vlads' world comes crashing down and Hearts are in the SFL then become insolvent like Livi will they be relegated to Div 3 where they will have no chance of servicing all their creditors and debts? Don't think so. Our governing bodies couldn't arrange a shag in a whore house without months of indecision. It's ok fans saying they deserved the punishment for their behaviour over the past 14 years but that doesn't take away the fact that fans are going to lose the club they support,number of fans is irrelevant IMO,I know Meadowbank fans will still be bitter towards Livi but that's not the fault of the Livi supporters.
  4. Hope they only get a 10 point deduction,anything more will just make the situation even more farcical if that's possible. Massone is an easy target,anyone that believes a large portion of the financial woes present at Livi weren't inherited by Massone are IMO kidding themselves on. Surely Flynn acting like a desperado and accepting the devils pound with no regard for future consequences to Livi should be getting as much flak as Massone.
  5. TBH I think it's been opened a fair few times in the past,if this keeps up every club in Scotland will be hated for spending with no intention of paying in full.
  6. Until SFA,SPL AND SFL start making decisions based on what is best for Scottish football nothing will change,who knows whos team will benefit from todays decision in the future. Self-interest is killing our game.
  7. Unfortunately all the clubs in the SFL are culpable everytime a bad decision is made.
  8. Unfortunately Scottish Football is and has been all about self-interest for a very long time,they are all scared to put proper measures in place in case it is their clubs neck on the block in the future. We just lurch from crisis to crisis without putting measures in place that actually safegaurd the clubs that all fans love so much.
  9. For your clubs sake I hope you don't get back into the 1st.
  10. Hope they're ok,not bothered about 10 points with regard to my team,neither I suspect are the Livi fans. Glad it's not Ayr,I don't think my heart would take the strain.
  11. Could be a fan or board member of most clubs in Scotland.
  12. As an outsider with no knowledge of the facts it appears that Trust,WLC/McDougall tried to collude in taking over from Massone without properly estimating Massones' feelings,we'll squeeze him and back him into a corner,forcing him out the door. Never considering that Massone may choose to beat them in some sort of game rather than take £25k to clear-off,a dangerous game that looks like providing the wrong result for Livi and its fans. There are plenty of Massones' in Scottish Football that's why the rules are so flexible and framed out of self-interest. I hope he accepts the deal and keeps the club going.
  13. I agree with you, I am just worried that Livis' fate if they avoid liquidation could be decided by clubs like my own,Airdrie,Raith etc where there is no gaurantee that a desicion will be made for the right reasons.,
  14. Fair enough,but as there is no hard and fast rules for Livis' situation how can this be achieved? The decisions will still be made by clubs with self-interest in the situation. SFL and others have had ample opportunities to put sanctions in place for a given set of circumstances,preferring to look at every situation on it's own merits. Our football is governed at all senior levels by self-interest rather than what's best for the game.
  15. Have I missed something? Any organisation that gives plenty of options due to self-interest doesn't have integrity IMO.
  16. You've got to have those qualities to support any diddy team IMO.
  17. I know, free junkets the order of the day,until there is more scrutiny nothing will change,every year it will be some club or other hanging on by their finger tips.
  18. I don't want Livi to go down the pan,every team has fans with unrealistic expectations of their team and wants big signings. If boards indulge them irresponsibly then that's the boards fault not the fans,it's about time the SFA/SPL/SFL got their heads out their over expanded arses and tightened up regulations to protect clubs from daft boards and Chairmen in particular.
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