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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Disappointing turnout,sadly apathy can affect anyone or any group.
  2. At least the Customs & Excise won't need to look far for a dipstick.
  3. They are using generators. The safety certificate could not be issued due to a lack of a mains power source.
  4. Checks the curtains,sets up the mic and strolls nonchalantly to the stars dressing room.
  5. Don't know the best course of action for the Livi fans,but if this was my club I'd be there, this is just as important as any game they played last season. 50 or 100 fans is no good a few thousand is what's required,go and listen then react to what comes up during meeting. And publicise it across Livi(5 mins from stadium to shopping centre) not just on a couple of forums with a small number of fans on them.
  6. I'm sure AM is due to produce a large wedge. Just not sure wether it'll be cash or Red Leicester.
  7. Michelle McManus has just cleared her throat. But I can't hear her dulcet tones yet.
  8. Even with foreplay your timeframe is generous in the extreme.
  9. Bet you didn't struggle to pop your cork in under 15 minutes then.
  10. Obviously you're every womans dream man.
  11. You either need more practice or you pressed the OF small talk option.
  12. Surely Ayrgirl is the only one that can answer that one.
  13. Don't understand the point the numbnuts are trying to make with regard to youngsters checking up on why Livi came about,to any youngster from Livingston supporting their local team should be the priority rather than following the OF or the 2 Edinburgh clubs. I know when I stayed in Livi 13 years ago that the Edinburgh clubs understandably had large followings there,so it will take a while for that to change if ever. They'd get slagged for gloryhunting if they didn't support Livi, Wimbledon,Meadowbank and others is not the fault or concern of MK Dons and Livi fans so just get over it,it's gone and it aint coming back.
  14. Sorry,just knew the guy was well turned over. In the fullness of time fans will realise that Massone was stung for £1m+ that he didn't know about,obviously his lack of due dilligence at the time of purchase is his own fault but the football authorities really should bear the brunt of blame as thay don't appear to be interested in vetting current or prospective owners of clubs.
  15. I have sympathy for the original Meadowbank fans regardless of numbers,to have your team stripped away must be terrible. Listening to Massone makes me realise that for all their faults my board are doing a good job. I can understand the Livi fans frustration at their clubs situation but why does Massone get 100% of the blame,he did purchase them for £1 but I can only imagine the financial mess that he purchased Flyman Flynn after all the £10m lottery winner got shafted for £5m with nothing to show for it except being left to drive about in an old banger and Flyman Flynn doesn't even show the slightest concern for the financial mess he left that boy in. PS. I actually think Massone will come up with the goods,IMO he likes the attention regardless of it being positive or negative. IMO all smaller clubs should be run for the fans by the fans.
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