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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It's called danger and excitement, you'll know what I mean when you get there. Women love the steady dependable guy, but they still shag the rogue, risking all in the process.
  2. I'm just looking at it from a different angle, I felt Chis was poor compared to what he'd shown previously, if he'd played like earlier and forced Adams to find something extra it could have been a classic. Perhaps I just expect too much.
  3. It's the consistency that matters, anyone in the higher echelons can turn it on for an hour or a week.
  4. And that's why from my 1st post about Chis I've urged him to move, if you want to be top teir there's no point playing in the bdo, better to get roughed up by Phil IMO.
  5. Nowhere in any of my points have I said Chis should stay at the BDO, I think he could score at 105+ given experience.
  6. Adams doesn't count in thbe big picture. And Taylor is the be all and end all in darts, everything else is a poor imitation.
  7. If Chis moves to the PDC he will become a better player, maybe less titles but a better game for him.
  8. No, they should aspire to Phil Taylor.
  9. How many times did Chis especially hit 1 5 3 or some other random score when he should've been applying pressuse, you can see those finishes in the pub, Chis played terrible in comparison to earlier rounds, The Power would have cantered it 7-0.
  10. Poor final. Shows why Adams is in the BDO, that's as good as he gets. Chis needs to get to the PDC, played out his arse tonight, his game below 250 was shocking yet he still won 5 sets.
  11. Could be a great final.
  12. Just Wolfie's usual, if he was a racehorse he'd be wearing cheek pieces and blinkers, if he was a greyhound it'd be the big hammer.
  13. Like with The Power, I'm always more interested with the walk than the talk. Premier League here we come.
  14. Get him in the PDC. Once he gains experience and calms the jets he could be the next big thing in darts. For the majority of the match he finished like a pub player, but his 140, 164 and 121 were amazing.
  15. Too many nervous darts from Chis so far for my liking.
  16. I think it's all about Chis, if he keeps the head I expect him to win, if his nerves surface similar to Hankey match then he'll get bombed out. It's like the young boxer coming through the ranks fighting journeymen, is he good enough, who knows.
  17. His bottle crashes, that's why he's still in the BDO.
  18. Don't think the boss will see it that way, did manage loads about the house as well, so everyones happy.

    It's so boring without a game to look forward to.

  19. Does anyone else think Chis could get into PL.
  20. Probably Fleet, he was certainly missing the other night.
  21. Well done, perhaps you should get a board with tiny doubles and trebles, can't remember if it's called a pro board, when you come off it the normal boards doubles and trebles look huge.
  22. The guy Carter surprised me this evening, he was either on the sauce or just not concentrting, he would smile mid throw and at one point he stopped to check his score while he had 361 left or something similar.
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