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fanny paddery

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fanny paddery last won the day on August 25 2013

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About fanny paddery

  • Birthday October 3

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  1. Try getting a tee time in Sydney though. Most slots being put up at midnight 14 days ahead of time and full by 12.02
  2. Christ I have missed posting on pie and bovril
  3. Have just moved back from Aus and have enough Qantas points left for first class return flights for the wife and I to Dubai. Wanting to go for a couple of nights next Feb and stay in a nice 5 star hotel. Don't need to go out and see too much as long as there is a nice pool/beach, spa for the wife and some nice places to eat or drink nearby. was looking at staying in Dubai at maybe raffles, Versace, Anantara or Le Meridien. also wondering whether a club room is worth it? Can get a good deal on a club room at intercontinental festival city. however, someone has suggested you can get a nicer 5 star hotel for a much better price in Abu Dhabi than Dubai. Looking at maybe the rosewood? Does anyone have any experience of either place, and any recommendations for hotels in either place? thanks fanny
  4. fanny paddery

    FIFA 21

    I had 40 packs saved from the last few weeks. managed a TOTY Neuer so pretty happy with that!
  5. Deleted the previous comments. As mentioned, please flag troll posts and we can remove them
  6. fanny paddery

    FIFA 21

    You can double up the squad battle ones. For example, I did the UCL and French one together and the first owned and Liga NOS. You could maybe even add the silver to Liga NOS and tick off three with six games. Silver first owned french players got me 2 tokens from 6 games too
  7. fanny paddery

    FIFA 21

    And if his team win 4 games in a row he becomes 2 points ahead of his highest IF, 8 games 3 points ahead etc
  8. fanny paddery

    FIFA 21

    Packed an untradeable Prime Henry on Saturday. Thats me now packed an untradeable vase Cruyff, and tradeable Mid Carlos and CR7 this year without buying any points. Unbelievable luck really.
  9. fanny paddery

    FIFA 21

    Got pissed on Saturday night and decided to do a couple of ultimate packs, ended up with this to add to my tradeable carlos and untradeable Cruyff so far this year.
  10. fanny paddery

    FIFA 21

    6 weeks in to the game and I have now packed 2 icons, base Cruyff untradeable and now a tradeable mid Carlos. I haven’t spent a single penny on packs!
  11. I dont think you can come all the way here and not got to Melbourne. I normally find that there is alot more going on in Melbourne for a tourist than any of the other cities. March 2021 should be the Grand Prix, the start of the AFL and some pretty good grade horse racing. You also have quite a large theatre district with well known shows touring. I would say your time in Cairns is too long. It is the Blackpool of Australia, and only really serves as an entrance to the reef. One good, but quite expensive, alternative way to see the reef is to go to Hamilton Island. Direct flights from all major cities, nice resort island with some good quality accommodation, and some excellent snorkelling round the island (last time I was there there were at least 20 loggerhead turtles in the bay) and diving a bit further out (about a 1 hr sail from the island). For the Hunter Valley tours, use this guy: https://gourmetgetawaytours.com.au/about/ The tour is excellent and well worth the money. He will pick you up from your Sydney hotel. Blue Mountains are nice, the Australians love them, but for people from Scotland they are a little underwhelming. For the bridge, walk over it and go up one of the Pylons, dont spend all the money to see what is essentially the same view from the climb. That money could be better spent. There are excellent helicopter flights over the harbour for the same (or less if you are a group) money. Or you could save your money and do a nice meal. Quay and Aria both have amazing views of the Bridge and Opera House for a special meal. If you were to cut down Cairns and cut out the Mountain day you would be able to do either Melbourne, or you could drive from Sydney to Brisbane. The stops up the cost from Sydney tBrisbane, such as Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Byron etc are all really nice and all in it is only around 10/11 hours of driving time from city to city
  12. Hi All, can people help me with the settlement of this bet. I have it worked out that it should roll in to 2 x $5 singles, is that not correct. If so, why not?
  13. The interesting question here is who takes the seat. Ricciardo would be the obvious choice for me. However, have seen alot of chat that they might like to take giovinazzi
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