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mid-table last won the day on January 20 2013

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About mid-table

  • Birthday 12/07/1979

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  • Gender
  • Scotia L. Jackson
  • Location
    Broughty Ferry
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    Berwick Rangers

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  1. No, there is a mandate that men aged 18-60 in Ukraine cannot leave Ukraine, but they can travel within the country for example from Kyiv to Lviv in the west, and they are not currently obligated to conscript. There is nothing about ex-pats being forced to return to Ukraine. I imagine they could if they want, but I imagine their clubs would not be happy about it.
  2. This game has to go ahead if at all possible, even if it's an under strength team from Ukraine. Contributing to a war effort is about more than just fighting with a gun on the streets. By representing your country you are giving it a platform on the world stage, reminding those at home why they are doing this, giving a couple of hours of respite from everything else that's going on, and hopefully seeing an amazing display of solidarity from 50,000 citizens of another country. The flip side of Ukraine not being seen in events like these is far more damaging.
  3. Not posted in this thread before but had to say that I thought tonight's episode was really good, top marks to everyone involved.
  4. Gamstop is surprisingly and remarkably effective in my experience.
  5. It's worth mentioning that this is on a 6650 yard SSS 72 course.
  6. Playing in meadows is quite difficult if they don't cut them regularly.
  7. You have hit the nail on the head there. Failure to defend, and convert from, power plays have been a recurring theme all season. Thought Stars did enough to merit OT tonight, huge letdown in the end. Optimistic for next season though.
  8. I was at the Bayern v Mainz game last night and still can't understand how Bayern lost that game. The passing stats were incredible; Bayern 797/904 88.2% Mainz 138/253 54.5% Completed passes in the attacking third; Bayern 223 Mainz 18 As we have seen from Leicester this season possession isn't everything, but Mainz were just completely and utterly dominated from start to finish.
  9. Join the Broughty next door and I can get you in as many rollups throughout the week as you want. We had a former captain at Ballumbie join us this year who is delighted he now has regular games with four different groups of people on different days of the week. PM me if you're interested.
  10. Can't remember the last time someone said 'you're brilliant' to me. Or 'it's gone in' for that matter.
  11. I have to admit that I'm absolutely staggered that people have a problem with courtsiding. It is a matter of fact whether something has happened. If a bookmaker offers a price and you think you know the outcome, then there is nothing wrong, nothing immoral, and certainly nothing illegal, with backing that outcome. If you are offering odds then the onus is on you to get them right. If you can't get your own information, or act on it, fast enough, then you need to rethink how you offer odds.
  12. I see nothing wrong with courtsiding whatsoever. If a bookmaker is offering odds, then it's their responsibility to make sure that their odds reflect the current state of play in the event. It's not as if the 'thing' hasn't happened, it has, it's just that someone was quicker to process that the 'thing' had happened. If something happens in Melbourne at 14:00:00, and bookmakers only find out about it at 14:00:03, then that's their problem.
  13. Sorry but I cannot understand why anyone would not get custom fitted for a new set of golf clubs, regardless of their ability.
  14. You may well be right, but for all the wrong reasons. I turned over somewhere in the region of £3,000 on football bets last weekend, to me £260 is nothing to turn over. Blue4578 would turn over over £100k on football bets every weekend back in the day. It's not about the volume of money, it's about the behaviours. To that end, you may be right. But to say 'wow, £260, that's like loads of money, you must have a problem', is more than a bit naive.
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