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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. The boot Smith is quite clearly fizzing.
  2. Nah, he was only ever First Minister.
  3. 40 days of doubling every 4 days is 14000 deaths for our wee country, won't be allowed to rise at the rate for too long.
  4. Gives them a day to find instructions for their cookers,.
  5. I'm in for 12 weeks, wasn't happy with how people are interpreting advice, told my granddaughter I wasn't giving her a cuddle when she left, not to avoid infection, if I pop my clogs I don't want a kid blaming themselves.
  6. More of these posts less of the others.
  7. Aye, so they can post their shite on social media to get likes and omg's and other shite that needy b*****d require to get them through the day.
  8. Hopefully you're not in my rural community.
  9. I'm quite sure their measures are aimed at us getting 5/10k deaths or whatever number they deem acceptable during this cycle, the skill will be timing it so the numbers don't go too high as to f**k the place, I'm not convinced they've got it right as this wasn't the original plan. It will be down to the general public to decide if the loss of their loved ones was a price worth taking.
  10. I'll believe that when I see it, probably went from 20 to 30 percent of males washing their hands after a slash.
  11. And some finally realising they're surrounded by c***s.
  12. Seems ridiculous that over 600 deaths in a day could be a positive, here's hoping.
  13. I'd cut them a bit of slack at the moment, can't be easy occupying some of them all day at the moment.
  14. Well done, the general public needs to push for change at all levels after this shitstorm is over.
  15. That was my intention with regard to prescriptions, have a fantastic chemist in Tar b, unfortunately I'm in for 12 weeks, my kids and grandkids have already had enough grief to last a life time. At 53,I am the auld codger in their lives.
  16. That'll be fine if we keep a big list of companies and directors to boycott at the other side of this.
  17. Just cough like f**k the instant anyone looks like they're coming within 2 metres.
  18. It would be great if we could just give those folks a double dose.
  19. That's the shit I'd like to hear in our broadcasts, this pussyfooting about is total bollocks.
  20. And he's saying that he's already experienced the idiots not practising social distancing., he doesn't need to wait another week to find out the inevitable.
  21. They don't need to rush it, they've had months to do it.
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