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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Hopefully they're double checking as they're small.
  2. I want a lot of things, Boris just kicks it into the long grass where possible.
  3. I know an old couple who've been in lockdown for 2 or 3 weeks due to family urging, seemed a bit overkill at the time but their family are in London.
  4. I thought they were for the front line.
  5. Why do you think I was posting about them making a rip roaring c**t of it. We are expendable, they're concentrating on avoiding the hospitals being swamped, apart from that the numbers don't matter.
  6. That was just to stop you firing divots all over the place.
  7. Just sooking up because he showed a black n white striped top.
  8. You can't go day by day, even the days we've had isn't very long, we've more deaths at this point barring Spain, I've not saw us undertaking measures that will halt that for weeks. It's probably better smoothing the curves over a few days as well but it is actual folk not numbers.
  9. They'd give 10000 deaths to save him.
  10. It's hard to make comparisons, we're not exactly testing loads of folk, I just follow the death numbers at the moment, that gives me an idea where we are.
  11. Like form/join a Union, you mean? That's damn' near communist,I tells ya! No, like starting a company in direct competition and using their strengths and weaknesses against them.
  12. I'll certainly not be suggesting what parents do with their youngsters during this, a lot of parents will be shitting paving slabs.
  13. You're probably right, all for one and one for themselves.
  14. No, homemade macaroni and homemade chips done in oven with olive oil and oregano.
  15. What's this? What it says, not sure where in UK.,was eating my dinner.
  16. Ach, you're used to tears on a Saturday.
  17. 21 and dead, no underlying health problems, ffs.
  18. Those nurse pics will keep you going.
  19. We're obviously beavering away in the background to improve our coefficient.
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