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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Tbf, folk usually pay then get the virus.
  2. Nah, I just thought, lucky barsteward, get her ragdolled.
  3. I'm not going to tell you what to do other than keep your distance as much as possible if you work. If you do need 2 at times, I'd suggest the same 2 pairing up always.
  4. Tbf, they've nuked that wee virus quickly.
  5. Too right, I must smell like shite as I was aware that people kept gravitating towards me.
  6. They're just feeding us shite now, "we've been planning for this before WHO announced it as a pandemic", why the f**k do we not have the PPE's that required then you bunch of idiots? That homer gif was tailor made for this bunch of Tory charlatans.
  7. You've obviously never glimpsed Snogles' noodle.
  8. I was leaving you pair out of the c**t category that should not get it mild.
  9. At least we're not veering off to challenge Spain, another 400+ likely tomorrow, the wrong c***s are getting it mild, Bairnardo and Pub Car King excepted.
  10. You're becoming shit hot at this Granda.
  11. I do love massive breasts That's why you've found P&B
  12. I heard she was partial to a cockertoo or 4 on 1.
  13. Of course, it's only limited by the imagination of the imbeciles.
  14. The guys pretty much spot on, the chimps have the keys at the worst possible time.
  15. Yep, they'd have been dying from exhaustion soon anyway.
  16. If you fucked something up you'd try and play it down, they're the masters at it.
  17. You'll be getting paid to pull your puddin' shortly
  18. Just put it in the microwave, set for 60 seconds, press the button, and wait for the ding, let it rest for a minute then you're good to go.
  19. I think we were 4 days quicker with 3 weeks notice
  20. Stop moaning, DTID is only watching the omnibus editions.
  21. Whitty down now, Granny D will be running the show in a fortnight.
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