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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Cut and paste away, I don't mind reading it, some of it's good and some of it is shite, echo chambers are a bit boring after a while.
  2. I'm surprised at how poorly folk are grasping what is happening and why. If the government could get through this with 100,000 deaths while the NHS ticked along at 80 or 90 percent it would. Folk are just choosing not to take in what the Jason Leitch's of this world are saying. We need a Lockdown During A Pandemic for Dummies.
  3. Don't do her in, gman's doing his best to fill the Rioja shelf.
  4. Use protection and wash thoroughly after every exit.
  5. I might be wrong but I took that to be an attempt at avoiding fear and panic, I'm sure we'll find out what level of folly it was at some point.
  6. As with friends, family and colleagues, some people will step up to the plate and impress immensely when we most need it, others will crash and burn and look like total fannies. It's no surprise that your wee corner shops in villages etc are fairly well stocked, you're windows are not going to last long if the villagers need bog roll and you have it all. I just hope people remember those in their communities who stepped up to make this easier, aye your local butcher etc are trying to keep their business running but they are showing a 'can do' attitude that should be rewarded with a larger and more loyal customer base after this. I don't mind birthday caird pish, it's better than the me me me pish that's took hold over the last few decades. There will be plenty now getting a wee taste of what it's like to live on a very tight budget with no fancy nights out or holidays,that won't be a bad thing for some.
  7. I wish I could give you a better answer but that is a price that will be paid regardless.
  8. The 5700 figure looks like a fantasy number, this time next week we'll probably be ridiculing it on the way past.
  9. Agreed, Mon, Tues that week was the time, our health service in London will only avoid being swamped due to selection process not measures taken by experts,its a scandal I won't forget in a hurry.
  10. It won't be at peak by then, that might be when they expect the shit to hit the fan behind the fan.
  11. As posted previously, I was pissed off at myself not going into lockdown a week earlier, I'm into numbers and they haven't looked good for weeks. One couple have been in lockdown for 3 weeks with their own defib (a great Xmas present now), it took them 3 or 4 weeks to listen to their family, at least one of whom is a medical professional London.
  12. Not good but unfortunately it is going to be commonplace over the coming weeks.
  13. I will delete as appropriate so you can do similar.
  14. We must be flogging them for bothering us.
  15. I'm saying you should give whatever advice you need to and park it there with the worry, worrying does nowt for anyone, I know my kids worry about me but I implore them not to, it adds zero positivity to your life.
  16. I see where you're going wrong, you can only give them advice and leave it at that, why should they bear all your burden.
  17. It's a shambles, how the f**k anybody with half a brain can't work out that 0.5 to 1% of 60% of our population isn't a number we couldn't handle I'll never know, I'm losing all respect for experts as they're just towing their political masters line now, not all but the ones we get to hear from.
  18. That won't help you, if I live for 10 years I'll have lost 2.5% of that stuck in here myself, so what, if I go out and do more than (40/39) times more when it's over I'll be quids in. To your kids, you're Bear Grylls.
  19. Hopefully it works, running the risk or having no money is not something I'd give too much of an opinion on, keeping safe, that's another matter, we are each only responsible for ourselves and those that depend on us.
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