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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Watson I'm no sure about, did he not fake having covid to go on holiday?
  2. How long have I got left to pull a good sickie from work?
  3. There isn't a left wing for the BBC to lean towards anyway. They generally will go where the government of the day is leaning. The two biggest parties are centre right so it tells you they reflect the public by doing so.
  4. How many of these are actually made by (not simply shown on) the BBC?
  5. I think clubs get to ask for dates they don't want to be at home but you only get one of them, we were away for the gold cup. I'm sure this happens every year that we have to play at home for one of them.
  6. How about we play to the strengths of the players that we have and sign new players to help compliment the best of those already here. Suppose you would want McAdams shot from a cannon for NO CARING due to how low his miles per game would be?
  7. The one good consequence of covid restrictions is all the new beer gardens and on street drinking places. Must stay.
  8. Yes, it's been this way since 2013. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/sport/football/20997587.amp D4.4.1 - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://spfl.co.uk/cms-content/images/shares/pdfs/Rules%20and%20Regulations%20SPFL%208_10_2018.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjBnpfr57b1AhVagFwKHRGDAgoQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jwJkBkKfQjZ_LxGyrDTvc
  9. Every year there's one of these threads, the ground requirements for the championship is the same as the premiership so if you remember that you'll be grand.
  10. Only guy I can think of that's available that we'd all know is Scott Allan and I canny see him at Ayr.
  11. Two fullbacks massively fucked that. Reading has made McGinty come out of position, then has a chance to get round the side to get it back or slow him down but the usual from him means it's no happening, Baird actually takes up a good position as between him and the goalie they should cut it out, Houston is the spare man watching Reilly and he canny be arsed. At the point Reilly is hungry and looking for the ball Houston is stopping. For once I'm laying no blame at those two idiots in the middle.
  12. I'd be quite happy to see the back of Muirhead, he's only playing in midfield because he's a shite defender and he offers us almost nothing in midfield.
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