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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Moff for O'Connor and put McKenzie up top plz.
  2. I'm not so bothered by Callum's interviews, Mathie etc largely talk about what they want to rather than simply answering the questions, it's only the commentary that gets me, he makes me feel really anxious. You can still hear him on the pixellot occasionally shouting into the void as the ball trundles out for a throw in. I generally canny go any commentators at all and think they take away from the game usually by not just describing events, should be mandatory to offer no commentary on TV and streams. Fitba vampires.
  3. Nothing to do with Callum afaik, Nick Provan does the social media stuff mostly now (when it says iPhone on twitter).
  4. Today is a good example that while Mathie kens what he's doing he isn't a magic wand and the club is still a mess. Absolute state of our announcement process and daft wee video.
  5. "Sean's new role as Head Owl involves making a hostile environment for the seagulls"
  6. Some shit going down on Sesame Street these days.
  7. The camera angle is also a million miles better while producing the same picture quality as the official stream.
  8. I appreciate what you mean but this is very carried away. They'll be shopping in Morrisons.
  9. I don't really understand this, maybe I'm being thick. Would the statistics to back up restrictions not be those used at the point of implementing them? Swinney is useless though so no doubt he's fucked it as that's all he does.
  10. We use our own system, IMO the pixellot is better at Somerset though.
  11. Every managerial appointment is a gamble. Even why you appoint someone really staunch to appease the Kilmarnock yokels.
  12. Jos Luhukay is a boring fraud and nobody should be tarnished by involvement with him.
  13. Yeah this is the kinda thing I'm wanting. You could almost excuse them if it doesn't work as at least they tried something outwith the usual circuit and promoting within. Hope he get him and it's not a case of here's what you could have won.
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