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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Actually no, the full backs and wide midfielders allow the freedom to cross into our box, the central midfielders barely track backwards or win the ball back so he's offered so little protection that an already terrible player is just left badly exposed. If I didn't hate him I'd feel sorry for him (& Baird & Fjørtoft).
  2. Looks like it isn't but how does it compare to OG Covid? (I do not know this isn't a trap).
  3. Hope everyone that bought from Kilmarnock asks for a refund. f**k them.
  4. Canny see that but I don't think she'll be around long after we get out the other side of this anyway.
  5. Summer football isn't necessary, we can simply have a break like we will have to do.nect season anyway.
  6. As someone living in Glasgow I was already hoping they get a kicking so that fucking idiot Aitken is gone.
  7. And that's a large part of why they are a nothing party.
  8. I'm presuming there's a lot of guilt from not locking down earlier across the board from wave 1 and heads are exploding accordingly.
  9. We can self cert for 28 days now, I think you are being pessimistic.
  10. My booster was a different vaccine and after effects totally different for all three: Pfizer 1: v tired Pfizer 2: f**k all Moderna: three days of arm pain (gone this morning).
  11. Oh it'll definitely drag on, I guess the hope is that after 3 weeks when announcing an extension to restrictions that they are more sensible. I'm also of the view that we probably need to take into account going forward that this same week two years in a row now there's been a big covid wobble backwards, things have to change to move on from this and it may well be that for football at the end of the year we need to have a break from playing across all of the leagues. I guess we will get a taster next year with the world cup (obviously our whole team will be there representing various nations).
  12. I think we'd all respect if the club's said closed door for the initial 3 weeks and we will ensure we use whatever capacity we have for any ongoing restrictions after that time. Ideally they just wouldn't play though.
  13. 3% less fully vaccinated people than us. So pretty much the same. Way behind on boosters but.
  14. Aye, I can see the good intention in it even if it's a terrible idea but after a couple large events where you can simply just walk past the checkpoint (even if they ask you for yours) what's the point.
  15. Vaccine passports were/are a shanner, folk who are vaccinated can still both get and spread covid, waste of time.
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