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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Highlandmagyar Third Tier has been absolutely losing his mind all over the forum for weeks, absolutely furious and delicious.
  2. Michael Rose is rumoured to be heading to Leeds, it would be good if the pair of them were playing together as we would have a ready made partnership.
  3. I'd suggest the club should have done it last year when they made it all ticket, prior to that when it was a cash gate the club was still getting the £20 out the majority anyway using their change to pay for half time draw etc
  4. I'd like it if it was someone else and they were awfy good.
  5. In order Outdoors: Church on the Hill - 4/10 they definitely had distancing down but they had promised stuff like temperature checks etc and we went on day 1 and had already binned it, they were supposed to be booking only and someone rocked up and saw their pals and came in without being contact traced . Avoiding. Hotel 10 - 7/10 wee bit expensive and only losing points for that, nice space outside, order on an app and it's brought to you, tables all spaced out. Would return outdoors Rum Shak - 9/10 I had never been in for food before so I didn't realise how good it was, I'd never managed to get a real seat out the back before so that was grand. When you get in they go through all their rules etc. Would return outdoors Indoors: Bell Jar - 10/10 been in twice both times I just felt comfortable, some faces behind the bar I haven't seen in ages is nice too, one way system and table service, masks on when you are away from the table. I decided after night one and asking around about what other places were doing that I was just going to stick to the one indoors pub.
  6. That comment will look even dafter when we are top tier and you bottom tier in 12 months
  7. How are Ayr down playing with Galashiels and Thistle are in a higher league?
  8. @Trogdor while you are Burninating all the peoples. Is the "value" not mostly just tangible to how the team get on, e.g. what I really mean is, if we go up and a game is worth £2 more than the season before was (bringing us in line with our competitors) it becomes a good move as it has strengthened our hand. And if we are boaby no increase of any kind will be ok.
  9. Anyone have a clip of the successful businesswoman saying the word demoted, asking for me.
  10. I don't buy a season ticket (I got a half season the year we won the league and that was my first since the early 2000s, usually prefer to just PATG or more recently on my phone. Obviously I'd rather keep my £2 but I don't have an issue with it increasing like that, nice round figure. I'm going to consider buying a season ticket but I don't really like having to shell it out in a oner tbh.
  11. He'll have had it ready and read from it when he was giving his ruling. He'll have had a couple of wee dictations in for a transcriptionist to batter out.
  12. Aye, big time. Burnt aw his bridges and never got a league winners medal sent out.
  13. Demoted from the universe. Taking it straight to the Court of Space.
  14. Why would they even agree, they have a duty to their own fans only.
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